Seven: Water Nymphs

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"Quiet Stella! Look there in the water!" Flora covered Stella's mouth. 

They had been searching for Floras timid flower for ages and they finally stumbled across it. Along with...Tiny mer-people?

"Ground walkers!" The tiny people said. "Let's go quick!" 

"No no no!" Flora exclaimed quietly. "Please, we don't mean harm! We're your friends, we need your help!" Flora explained softly. 

They all marvelled at the newfound water-nymphs. Suddenly one came to the surface and mention that they had an issue that needed solving. They were lead to the queen of the water-nymphs. 

They were told about "The Great Monster of Black Island" and the problem that surrounded the monster. The Winx were determined to help the water nymphs. 

They transformed and then made their way over to the island but as they did, a giant creature made giant waves into the ocean and had all the girls back to back. It disappeared. 

"Maybe it's gone?" Flora suggested optimistically. 

It almost immediately returned and it ate Musa! Then it returned underwater. Stella blasted into the water but only a dead salmon floated to the surface. 

They all went back to back again and looked around. "Where did it go?" Bloom asked to no avail. 

"There's only one thing to do." Techna said. "We've got to rescue Musa!" 

"Yes but how? Water isn't our element!" Bloom questioned. 

"Um... hold on... water might not be but..." Skylar surrounded herself in a tight airbubble. "Air bubble anyone?" Skylar created an airbubble to surround each of the girls. 

"Perfect! Now... lox-luminous!" Techna casted a spell to create light within  the bubbles and down underwater they went. "Can you see anything?" 

"Down there!" Flora pointed. "Right at the bottom!" 

They floated down to a little cave where the creature was laid down. Musa rests unresponsive in its slightly open mouth. 

Bloom quickly ran into the mouth while it was closing and locked herself in there. She then teleported Musa and herself out of the mouth, waking up the giant beast. 

Musa regained consciousness and spoke. "What's going on?" 

"We've got to get out of here! Now!" 

They all bubbled to the surface and plopped down onto the island. 

Skylar almost immediately threw up. "What is wrong with the air here?" 

Everybody marvelled at the the place they were in but Skylar was not enjoying herself. 

"If we're on the island, we should keep out eyes peeled." 

Stella let out a yawn. "But why? The monster gone now, there is nothing to be afraid of." 

Everyone moved on walking but started getting so much more tired. 

Skykar was far from tired, she was delirious. The air quality was messing with her and she stumbled her steps. 

"Skylar are you okay?" Techna asked. 

"The air here sucks." Skylar mumbled. 

"It's really quiet... do you hear the birds?" Techna asked. 

"Actually I don't." Stella said yawning. 

"Exactly isn't that strange?" Techna asked. 

"No, not really." Stella yawned again. 

"What a wonderful smell." Flora said dreamily. 

"That smell is anything but wonderful." Skylar retorted. Skylar collapsed onto the floor violently coughing. 

"I better analyse the air's composition." Techna did just that. "This substance is sleeping gas! Girls! Girls!" 

But Techna was too late. All of the girls were sleeping on the floor, apart from Skylar who was practically coughing up her lungs, and Bloom who was speaking to Techna half asleep before being completely asleep. 

Techna raced over to where Skylar was still hacking and coughing. "Techna please." Skylar muttered in between coughs. "I can heal them." 

Being the only two people not asleep, Techna gave Skylar an air bubble. Skylar comtinued coughing before she covered. "Thanks. Now let's purify these suckers. Let the bad air out..." Skylar  made the air bubble bigger and bigger before it covered the entire island and Skylar purified the air. "I don't know about you, but that seems a whole lot better." Skylar took in a deep breath of the now very clean air. 

After a whole ordeal, all the the girls were woken up and the evil plants turned into some lovely butterflies with the help of Flora and Bloom. 

They went back to the water-nymphs who explained that the island, or as they now know it as the giant turtle allowed them to collect as many leaves as they could. Flora also gave them a huge helping hand by using one of her potions to help multiply the leaves. 

"Now would you reconsider letting Flora use your rooms for her experiments?" Bloom asked. The girls sheepishly agreed. 

"Not to worry, now I know that I should be using the space I have." Flora reassured. 

"Does that mean Barry can come back?" Skylar asked excitedly. 

Flora laughed and the water nymphs gave Flora the Cheerful Gladiolus. 

"Now you're sure to ace your test Flora!" 

"Hey isn't it your turn next Stella?" Flora asked, refering to Paladiums exam. 

Stella wailed. "Oh no!"   

Oops, shorter chapter. Sorry for not updating in a hot minute. Also I've reread the chapters and I cannot believe how many times I spelled Skylar's name wrong smh. Please just note that her name is Skylar and spelled Skylar.  Apologies for the confusion. 

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