Nine: Mission to Domino

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authors note: wow stealing the episode title for your chapter title? How original, me. I also didn't proof read so um, if you see a typo, tell me or ignore it :)

The head of Red Fountain and Faragonda had a meeting.

The Winx, who had a ruined dorm room, recovered from, battle in the cafeteria as it was opened to the students. 

Skylar scurried around the cafeteria, running to heal one fairy to the next before finally collapsing down on the floor next to Bloom who was on a chair. She had about a minute of downtime before Griselda called the Winx to Faragonda's office.

"The witch are planning an attack against us." Faragonda started, looking at the six girls. "They're doing what their ancestors did. Back then, they had seriously jeopardised the universes balance of power and now, another generation of witches has taken up the challenge." 

"Only this time,  they possess a weapon that their ancestors did not. Your power." Faragonda pointed to Bloom. "And that makes them utterly invincible." Faragonda rolled her eyes in exhaustion (directed at the three witches) while she explained. "Bloom, at this point in time the only thing for you to do is go back to Domino."

"To Domino?" Bloom questioned. "Uh- but why?" 

"Because, it was their three ancestors who destroyed your birthplace Bloom! They eradicated your kingdom, and now Icy, Darcy and Stormy are following in their evil footsteps!" Faragonda waved her hands and green parks of energy appeared in a spiral before showing a frozen over Domino. "And I'm thinking that perhaps that somewhere in the remains of the royal palace, is something that can give you a hint, a clue about how to regain what you've lost.  The Dragon Flame." 

 Faragonda destroyed the image. "Bloom, you are our only hope."

"In that case, we'll go with you." Must chimed.

"Absolutely, you can count on us!" Flora added.

"As if we'd let you go by yourself." Stella chirped.

"Thanks girls" Blooms eyes got a little teary. 

Skylar gave her a small hug. "Come on! We got this."

✨Undisclosed amount of Time Later✨

The Winx stood in Palladiums simulation room. Palladium explained what was going to happen as Griselda and Faragonda stood next to Palladium. 

He explained that he made a couple adjustments and now it was going to create a "Multi-dimensional corridor" that would take them to Domino. 

Small orbs of light started dancing around the girls until they hovered over each girls heads. They transformed their clothes into more appropriate clothing for a journey to a frozen wasteland. 

"Now remember, this time it's real. Its not a simulation and relax, stay focused. I wish you all the best of luck." 

With that, the girls glittered away. 

The next thing they knew, they were walking on crunchy snow. 

"Domino is freezing cold!"

"It sure is!"

"Its not so bad." Skylar shrugged. "I used to go somewhere really similar when I was little. I'll show you guys pictures when we get back to Alfea and, ya know, the magic dimension isn't in jeopardy." 

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