Five: Misunderstandings

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"THEN I'LL RAISE MY VOICE AND THEN-" Skylar jolted awake by the yelling that was happening near her.

"Stella! Flora! For crying out loud! What are you doing?" Bloom asked distressed. 

Skylar was rubbing her eyes. "What are you doing? It's 4 in the morning... I sleep in this room too remember? Now be quiet, I'm Tired." Skylar turned over and pulled her blanket and dozed off again. 

Later that morning, the Winx went on a walk and Bloom was explaining her dream. 

"No, it wasn't a wasn't really a dream either. I don't know." Bloom said, clearly trying to make sense of what's happened. 

"Just try and tell me more details!" Techna urged. She was holding a noisy handheld device that looked like a fancy pocket watch with a lady bug in it. 

"It's hard to explain... it seemed more vivid than a dream..." Bloom replied. 

"Do you take medication?" Skylar asked. 

"No?" Bloom said. 

"Do you do drugs?" Skylar asked.


"Are you pregnant?" 


"Do you Lucid dream?" 

"Only in these dreams" 

Skylar shrugged. "Yeah no, I got nothin' Techna?" 

"Plastic Cognitive Projection with physiochemical resonance." Techna blurted.

"There were colors everywhere, then I saw a face and this beautiful woman!" Bloom described. 

"Phsycoplasmatic Evanescence operation, level 26." Techna said in response. 

Musa was tired of listening to Techna say random complicated words. "Hey Techna, will you please stop cutting in with that thing?" 

"It's okay Musa, Techna has been helping me keep a log of my dreams to analyse them." Bloom reassured. 

"If you slept attached to an electromind reader, I could." Techna said, her machine still buzzing and beeping. 

"I get it, and I'd appreciate it if you stopped coming into my room at night." Bloom pointed to Stella who was walking ahead. 

"So what? I woke you up, that's all." Stella brushed off the comment. 

"I've processed all the data from my dream probe and there's a strong possibility that that was a psycho-magic message." Techna said, her device still beeping. 

Bloom was trying to understand what Techna was saying. "You mean the lady was trying to communicate  with me?" 

"Through your dream? Yes. From the memory she left in your cortex. I came up with this-" Techna device then displayed a hologram of a woman. "Is this her?" Techna asked. 

"Wow Techna! You're  a True Blue Techno-Wizard!" Bloom exclaimed. 

"Id rather be called a fairy but thanks anyways." Bloom inspected the hologram more. 

"Now that I've looked at her more, I feel like I've seen her from somewhere...." Bloom paused trying to think. "Course! I remember now! It was in Magix... the main square! She wasn't walking about she was...looking at me from the facade of a tall building..." 

"Ah! Now I get it! It was indigestion!" Stella declared. 

"My stomach is perfectly fine Stella." 

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