2.2 Rescue Mission

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(recently updated what her transformation looked like so here's a collage for an idea of it)

Flora had stayed with Skylar for most of the time. The Winx decided that it was best for them to greet her whenever she would awaken. Skylar said it was best for her not to be so overwhelmed by all six of them.

Skylar even stayed in the nurses office at night to make sure that she was alright Meanwhile all the girls in the dorms couldn't go to the sleep because they were too busy talking about the girl.

Flora sat, changing the water every so often when Skylar would lay a cold towel on her forehead.

The rest of the Winx sat outside, eaves dropping and talking about theories.

After 4 days, Skylar went up to stretch and Flora shared good news. "Hey! She's waking up."

Skylar sat down in front of her.

The girl shot up from the be. "Oh my...." She looked down at her palms. "Four days? It's been four days?"

She stood up up to look at Skylar and Flora. "Piff! Where's Piff?"

She sat back down and flopped to her side, fainting.

"Is she okay?"

"Don't worry." Nurse Ofelia walked in. "Your friends is fine. Just a little pale around the gills."

"She's a bit shocked." Skylar translated for Flora.

The girl began waking up again. "Where am I?"

"You're safe." Skylar began. "What's your name?"

"Layla..." She answered warily.

"Hi Layla. I'm Skylar. You're in Alfea, a school for fairies." Skylar handed her a glass of water.

"You had a dream." Flora stated. "You were looking for Piff!"

"Piff? You know Piff? Where is she, tell me! Is she alright?"

"Piff is a pink pixie correct?" Skylar asked just wanting confirmation. Layla nodded. "Yes. Piff is perfectly fine. Don't worry."

Flora brought the pillow with Piff. The rest of the girls had burst through the door, too impatient. 

"I had a dream about you baby." Layla cooed to her sleeping pixie. "But in my dream, you left me all alone." 

Layla's stomach growled and Stella popped up. "Lunch time! Here we are!" Stella shoved a sandwich in front of her face. 

"Stella don't shout!" Flora scolded. 

Piff the pixie started crying and Skylar went to calming her down. 

"Stella, your loosing control of your sandwich!" 

Stella completely lost control of her sandwich and soon the sandwich ended up scattered on Layla's head. 

"Hey." Musa greeted. "Welcome to Alfea."

After Layla got cleaned up and Piff went to sleep, they all started conversing with Layla. 

"So...this is your school correct?" Layla munched on her new sandwich. 

"Yup." Musa answered. "I'm Musa." 



"My names Bloom"

"I'm Stella"

Suddenly they're all pressing Layla with questions about the pixies. 

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