Three: Azer

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"So let me get this straight." Skylar sat down on the couch. "I was gone, for THREE DAYS, and you guys tried to track down a troll with the specialists, Stella got kidnapped, you gave Stella's ring to the Trix, you broke into Cloud Tower, got the ring back, Cloud Tower is booby trapped, Bloom hears voices and Ms. Faragonda revoked your powers?" She listed. 

Everyone nodded. "You guys are busy people. I didn't even know you could revoke someone's powers! Wouldn't that lead to like, wars in which people just take the other teams powers?" 

The rest of the Winx all shrugged. 

"We need to head to Ms. Griselda's office in a few minutes." Musa reminded the Winx. 

"I'll head with you, I'm bored and I don't wanna be alone in the dorm. Musa can I borrow your headphones?" Skylar got up and adjusted her hair. 

All of the Winx went to Ms. Griselda's office, most of them dreading it. 

"Your intrusion into Cloud Tower Castle was extremely rude, young ladies. Hello Ms. Skylar" Ms. Griselda greeted Skylar but quickly went back to scolding the rest of the Winx. "You exposed yourself to great danger that is the reason your powers have been revoked. " she explained. "It is sufficient punishment." She took a pause. "For me, however. Sufficient is not enough. Just so you remember this lesson, you will spend the entire day at school, you will clean the castle from top to bottom." 

The Winx gaped and gasped. "The whole castle?" Flora asked. 

"No, just the stairs, classrooms, corridors and bathrooms." Griselda explained. 

"Oh well that's okay! " Stella said upset. "I thought it would be worse honestly" 

Griselda created some cleaning tools and explained that they would have to be cleaning the castle by hand. Techna got banned from technology aswell. 

Griselda also informed the bunch that tomorrow she would inspect the castle to see that it's been cleaned. 

"May I help them Ms. Griselda?" Skylar asked.

"If you refrain from using magic, then yes. I grant you permission to assist their clean up." 

"So how are we going to tackle this?" Bloom asked. 

"Let's start with going left to right?" Flora suggested. They agreed. 

"That seems like a sound plan. It's best if we team up and split up to try and get it done quickly." Techna proposed. 

"I can handle classrooms, two people in the hallways and 3 people in the auditorium?" Skylar added on. 

They all decided, Skylar cleans classrooms, Flora and Techna a clean hallways and Bloom, Stella and Musa clean the auditorium. 

"Let's get to it!" Musa said. 

Skylar put on Musa's headphones and started cleaning. And cleaning, and cleaning and cleaning. Soon a lot of time had passed. Skylar was on her last classroom to clean when she heard a knock on the door. It was Flora and Techna. Skylar off her headphones. 

"We've finished the hallways, how are you coming along?" Flora asked. 

"Just finishing up this classroom, then I'll be done." Skykar was wiping the blackboard. "There we go, have you checked up on the others?" 

"Negative, we were just about to. Would you like to come with?" Techna replied. 

"Love to, let's go." Skylar put Musa's headphones back on the followed Flora and Techna to the auditorium. 

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