3.2 Bonded Pixies

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(Sorry if writing is crappy this chapter, idk where my writing skills went, I completely blanked so I'm sorry)

"Ew!" Layla screamed. "Disgusting!" She was trapped to a wall by monster spit. 

Sky and Bloom ran down to meet Layla and Skylar. 

Sky pulled her from the wall as Layla shrieked in pain from the pull on her wings. 

"My wings Sky! My wings!" Sky gets tugging on the goo until Layla fell to the floor. 

Layla hugged Sky. 

Bloom huffed.

"Relax Bloom, I was just gonna thank Sky. Thank you." Layla backed away from Sky after she thanked him. 

"That's really cute!" Skylar yelled angrily. "But can I have... some HELP?!"

Skylar has been getting tossed around like a rag doll by one of the creatures. 

Sky began stabbing the creature with his sword but it wasn't enough at all, it was moving too much.

The creature was practically bashing her head against the walls of the cave. "Ouch." She cringed as her head hit a rock. And another rock. and another rock. 

"You asked for it...." 

Skylar focused and blocked the monsters air way. The monster dropped her and began struggling. She released her hold and Sky chopped its head off. 

Skylar sat on the ground and caught her breath. She healed herself before rushing over to Layla. "How are you feeling?" 

"How are you feeling?" Layla asked in response. 

"Better now that that thing is dead." Skylar admitted. "You?" 

"I'm much better now but what about the others?" 

They ran to the edge. "Stella and Brandon fell down into the pit!" 

They all looked down the seemingly endless pit. 

Layla looked at them worried. "But Stella can't fly!" 

Bloom tried transforming but failed. "Layla can you carry me down?" Sky asked. 

Layla attempted to fly but failed, yanking a bit of gunk off her wings. 


"Naturally. Its gonna be a bumpy ride so no complaints...and please try and keep quiet if you want me to carry all of us down." Skylar burst into the air. She flaps her wings a bit. 

She fluttered down slowly, keeping her hands steady as she kept slowly going down, controlling the air around the three remaining teammates. 

"Okay, sit on the edge, and fall." 

"Fall?!" Bloom exclaimed. 

"Fall. Sit on the edge and when I tell you to, fall." Skylar directed. "one, two, three, FALL"

They did just that, Skylar caught them all with her air powers and then floated them all down safely. 

"Sky stop moving or I'll drop you." 

Skylar slowly went down the pit until their heels were on the ground. 

The bottom of the pit was exactly how you would expect it to be. It looked the same as it did a few thousand feet up only it was a floor that was covered in dust. 

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