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Oh, what a way to start of your day right? Seeing your supposed father in the doorway in your real home with your supposed 'uncle' floating as their eyes lingered on you for what it seems like eternity.

Same case goes for Boboiboy, no thoughts just a burning gaze into their bodies like it'll make their body burn.

"Boboiboy? Talk to me kid."

Kid? For elementals sake, he's technically an adult now! 18 years old to be exact. Eight years without those two and they got the audacity to call him a kid?

"I'm not your kid anymore. I'm already an adult."

Well, that's enough to make their eyes widened.

"Hey! That's no way to speak to your dad, where did the kid that I once liked to play mechanize-mechanize with?"

"He went away, 8 years ago. Because I actually have to go through day and night without my dad there! Let alone my 'uncle' because they decided that I was too young to know your job!"

Silence fell on the hero and his sidekick.

"Where were you when I graduated school? Where were you when I nearly died and you weren't even there to help me! I died, too many times and brought back to be what I am. I'm a hero at the age of ten and you didn't even once send me a letter of it."

When his dad opened his mouth to say something, Boboiboy continued to talk his heart out.

"I watched as my friend ran to their parents whenever we got back on Earth, I stood there in jealousy when their parents hugged them. I'm grateful for Tok Aba but is he my parent? No because he wasn't my first word. YOU are. Ayah, remember?"

Boboiboy chuckled bitterly before continuing as he walked past them to the spaceship in front of his home.

"I once saw you as my hero but now nothing. Don't apologise to me for everything. I get it, your busy with being a hero across the galaxy but not a single letter or call to me for years? I sometime start to think if I am really your son or just forgotten. But I get it! Don't worry. I still love you but don't try to come in my life again. Goodbye."

For years, he let the speech hidden in his heart before finally letting the words slip out of his mouth. He stepped into the spaceship that belonged to his squadron. He turned to look at the two stunned figures below him as the spaceship starts to take off.

A silent word of sincerity came out before the two are out of his sight.

And for once, he didn't regret yelling at someone.


I'm back! Well maybe but how was it? Good? I need some new plot to continue this book full of oneshots so better comment some plot that you want to see.

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