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INFORMATION: I'll be using my character from Kokotiam in Laskar Station called Kai as Boboiboy's big brother.


You were young.

"Hey Abang! How are you?"

I ignored your words.


Your tears stained the hallway of TAPOPS.

"What did I do wrong!?"

Your screams echoed through the whole station.

"I regret for ever being born in your life."

Your regrets were something else.

"I am sorry for existing in your life."

Your apologies never meant to exist, you did nothing wrong.

"Did you ever wish that I was your brother? Seems like you like Fang more!"

Misunderstandings occured. I have always liked you more, lightning.

"Dad likes you more. Your strong and I'm weak."

Our 'differences' separated us more.

"I don't think you see us as brothers."

You were too young to have those kind of thoughts. You are and will always be my brother

"I hate myself."

Your whispers in your room. You shouldn't have those thoughts at a young age.

"I am so sorry, my dear elements for not being perfect or the master you all wanted."

You were perfect in every way.

Our time was too short or was it? I should've taken advantage of it.

"Is it my time to go yet?"

It was never your time to go.


You changed my life in more ways than one.

"I love you big brother."

I never knew how much your words meant to me until you are gone.

I had many regrets in my life.

Yet by biggest regret,

Never saying I love you back.


Pretty short— sorry!

BoBoiBoy OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now