I'm sorry for the damage I did

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Spoilers to BBB Galaxy Season 1, the last episode. I saw someone do this but I forgot who, do credits to that person!

Captain Vargoba Is defeated by a huge beam of light from none other than Solar. Solar, the light element in his second tier destroyed TAPOPS Station and took control of his master's body to destroy Vargoba.

It has been a month now after the incident, Bbb has gotten better now from the multiple punches and slams into the roofs including the freezing in space. Bbb can't help but notice why his light element was acting weird, this makes him concern for his element.

Especially during some missions, the light element has been weirdly quiet. He didn't say a single word during the times he has been manisfested and unlocked. Bbb didn't know why but he is gonna find out.

One night, Bbb was sleeping. But he suddenly woke up with the sight of the starry skies. It was so beautiful. He got up and looked around, did he get kidnapped? Where is he?

"Wah! Master is awake!" A familiar bright voice cheered, making Bbb startled.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Bbb said as he went into fighting stance, he knew some moves for self-defense.

"It's us, Master." Another familiar voice said.

Suddenly seven figures appeared out of nowhere infront of Bbb, looking like him as if their copies but in different type of colour schemes.

"Wait a minute.. You guys are my elements!" Bbb excitedly said as he ran to hug them all.

Seeing how they don't return the hug, Bbb just let go from the hug. Maybe they are not used to hugs?

"Where am I?" Bbb said as he looked around.

"You are in the power watch dimension or known as our home, Master." Tanah said.

"Please, call me Bbb. I'm uncomfortable with that name, plus we are the same person." Bbb said making the elements flinch.

They always call their past users by 'master' or 'lord', not by their names. They think it's disrespectful to call their users by their names.

"It'll be disrespectful for calling you by your name." Tanah said.

"What about Ori? As in original but shorter since I'm the original amongst all of us." Bbb suggested as the others nodded.

"Ori it is!" Api cheered as Angin and Daun cheered too.

They all then began doing their own things, with Gempa and Bbb watching them just in case they caused trouble. Angin, Daun, and Api is playing games, Air is just picking flowers with Petir and Gempa while Cahaya is just being quiet while sitting down and watched the stars.

Bbb who saw this decided to join Cahaya on watching the stars.

"Cahaya, may i join you?" Bbb asked, Cahaya flinched and nodded.

"Are you okay? You've been acting weird ever since Solar and the incident. I began noticing it during some missions, when I was in control of others you just stood there quietly. Tell me what's going on, I'll try my best to help you!" Bbb said as he sat down next to Cahaya.

"Erm.. It's just about my past user. He used me for evil deeds, unlike you. You used me for the greater good and I'm glad because of that, I'm glad that you're our new master." Cahaya said as he looked down, remembering the past.

"I see, I hope I'll become a better master for you guys and protect you!" Bbb said as he hugged Cahaya.

Cahaya never felt this kind of interaction from anyone, he just hugged back awkwardly as he smiled.

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