New Element!?

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Bbb's POV:

Lately, I've been getting really tired even when I get like 8 hour of sleep I still get tired and I don't know why. My watch has also started malfunctioning which is making me worried for my elemental brothers.

I am suspended from going on missions for a month due to a error. Me and the gang were on a mission to save a power sphera but I failed the mission of course, instead of summoning Gempa, Solar, and Halilintar, I summoned Blaze, Taufan, and Thorn, the elements that are easily distracted by anything mesmerizing to them.

Because of that malfunction on the watch, the hunter got away with the power sphera and the team all blamed me for it. I don't blame them, it was my fault anyway. The team just started ignoring me and it just makes me feel more at fault.

It has been a week now since the mission and the watch malfunctions, I asked Ochobot about it but he said it might be a error and it'll be fixed soon.

Right now I am just talking with Gempa through a hologram from my watch about random stuff.

"Ah Gempa! I almost forgot about this, can you get Solar for me?" I asked, making Gempa confused but he nodded anyway.

"Solar! Ori asked for you!" I heard Gempa called for Solar "Ah, yes Ori?" Solar's hologram popped out and he saluted.

"Aish, no need to salute Solar. We're all the same person you know!" I chuckled at him, making Gempa chuckle too as Solar blush in embarrassment.

"Anyways, why did you call for me Ori?" Solar said "My watch has been malfunctioning lately, causing me to not being able to transform to one of you guys. I was wondering if you know the cause of this?" "I'm not sure too Ori, everything looks fine here."

"MAMA GEMPA!" We heard Thorn yelled to Gempa scared and hugged Gempa "Eh? Thorn what happened?" "T-there is someone unknown at the house!" Thorn started crying making me sad.

"Are you sure it's not Blaze or Taufan messing with you?" Solar said with a unamused face and crossed his arms " Abang Blaze and Taufan was there too! They told me to get Mama Gempa!" "This might be a prank you know, Gempa." "No it's not! We swear, this is not a prank this time! Even Abang Hali and Ice didn't know about this.." Thorn said sadly and wiped his tears.

"How about you guys come out?" I suggested making Gempa look at me worriedly "Are you sure, Ori?" "Yes." I replied as I close the hologram waiting for them to come out, one by one a different coloured orb came out.

All of a sudden I was tackled into a hug by the three troublemakers, I hugged back with much love before getting up "Okay, explain to me what happened." I said as they all sat down.

"Let me start Ori, me and the others were in the house. I was reading a book, Ice was sleeping, and the troublemakers were eating in the living room. All of a sudden, we heard a noise from the upstairs. I immediately checked to see it all dark, usually the house isn't dark. I went to Thorn to call for you and lightbulb outside." Hali explained briefly making me think "That's odd.." I said.

"The house is haunted!?" Taufan yelled as he hugged Gempa "No it's not, it might be something else." "Or someone.." Eh? What did he mean? "What do you mean 'someone' Solar?"

"I've been feeling someone staring at me and it's NOT the troublemakers nor anyone else." That just spooked the heck out of me imagine someone staring at you for who knows how long!? "Could it be a new element?" "No way, Ori! There is only 7 elements." Solar immediately replied "Well-"


The announcement cutted me off, I looked at the elements and they nodded. A mop mop alien opened the door for us and we walked to the Main Control room to see Commander Koko Ci, Admiral Tarung, Captain Kaizo, and the team.

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