One lived and the other died.

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"Cadet Boboiboy and Captain Kaizo. You two have a duo mission on a planet called Gyhula to retrieve classified data from a unknown organization. Their known for stealing and breaking power spheras." A small headed alien with sunglasses explained.

"Yes Commander!" The elemental superhero saluted followed by the legendary rebel of the galaxy.

"Your mission will begin tomorrow. Getting some rest is recommended due to how tiring this mission must be."

The two nodded as they exited the room, both going the opposite way. This was a unusual mission for the elemental superhero.

A mission with the legendary rebel and not one of his friends. He didn't complain, probably just wondering how awkward it'll be between the two.

The last time they had a proper conversation was back when the elemental superhero unlocked second tier of his lightning element by force during the fight with Jugglenaut.

The elemental superhero sighed as he arrived at his desired room to find it empty. His bestfriend is probably just eating in the cafeteria or playing games in the room.

He decided to sleep now at 10PM with a high chance of waking up at 6AM. Enough sleep for the mission right?

Soon his eyes was engulfed by the dark.

✦ -------------------------------------------------------✦

He woke up in a scenery of the dark. Everything was dark, no sign of light at all.

The scene began to change to a huge wreck of a place, unknown on where it is but he was certain that it's not Earth or anywhere else.

The place was covered with holes probably from explosions, spears and swords pierced into the ground. Blood scattered around the ground.

Explosions can be heard in the distance as a scream echoed that ringed his ears.

He ran and and ran to where the scream can be heard again. What he saw shocked him.

A huge pool of blood by a male body.

He realized that this was the future. Their mission later on, he realized that one will live and return back to the station with the data required of the organization while the other died as a sacrifice for the sake of the other to return.

Their must be a way for the two of them to return safely.. right?





✦ -------------------------------------------------------✦

"Captain Kaizo! Morning!" A brunette waved to the red-eyed humanoid as he entered the ship.

"Boboiboy. Are you ready for this secret mission?" Captain Kaizo said in his usual stern voice.

"Very much so."

"Very well. We should get going now."

Captain Kaizo started the spaceship at full speed as they sat down and travelled through the galaxy once again.

"Estimated time arrive is one hour and ten minutes. Let's use the time to discuss our plan on retrieving classified data!" Boboiboy suggested as Captain Kaizo just nodded as he researched more.

Boboiboy was searching for extra information about the organization, hoping to find some information on their leader and their purpose yet nothing. This organization is very secured.

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