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This oneshot is a different because in this AU, the elements are Bbb's older brothers! Here are some side information:
‹ Hali is the oldest and Solar is the youngest
‹ Hali, Gempa, and Taufan are 21, Blaze and Ice are 19 and they are twins, Solar and Duri are 18, Bbb is 16. Their parents aren't here or on business trip.

Also Abang means big brother

TW: Bullying, mentions of blood, hurtful words

I'm so sorry if this made you uncomfortable, but I wanted to make angst <3
Bbb's POV:
I am Bbb, a 16 year old living with 7 older brothers, they all graduated with amazing grades! I wish to be like them, but here I am getting bullied by my schoolmates during lunchtime. You're wondering how did this happen?

It's all either because that I didn't do their homework, didn't give them my money or buy them lunch. Nice right? I've been suffering like this for months and none of my brothers know, why? Because if I do tell them, my classmates will beat me up even more. I barely ate anything at home or school because they made fun about my weight, saying how fat I am.

They push me, kick me, punch me, hit me enough to make me bleed so much blood that the pain was normal to me now. My only friend is Gopal. He is the bestest friend you could've asked for, sadly he doesn't go to the same school as me but we live near each other.

Anyways, enough about my life. I'm currently getting beat up at lunchtime by the two worst bullies I encountered, Marine and Jai. Marine just gives me hurtful words, meanwhile Jai hits and kicks me to the point where I coughed out blood from my mouth. They laughed, while I suffer to fill their satisfaction.

The school bell ringed, saving me from those two. I cleaned out the blood and went to class.

"Bbb! Why are you late again? This is the third time your late to my class." The teacher yelled at me, yep this is not the first time for me being late. My classmates just laughed at me as I apologised and sit.

[T I M E S K I P]

School just ended and Abang Hali just picked me up using his motorcycle which made him look so cool, I hopped on and he drove us back home. I was holding on to my stomach as it was more painful than usual, I guess Jai got better. They even got a pocket knife to cut my wrist earlier.

I was too deep in my thoughts that I didn't realise we were home and Abang Hali was calling my name "-bb? Bbb!" "Eh, sorry Abang Hali!" I said getting off the motorcycle, Abang Hali looked at me weird "You've been awfully quiet these months, are you okay?" "For the last time, I'm fine Abang!" I said to him, this isn't the first time my brothers asked that question, yes I've been quiet when the bullying starts getting worse.

I went in the house to see Abang Gempa making dinner, I always loved Abang Gempa's cooking but Marine words made me not want to eat it these days. I went up to my room immediately, dropped my backpack, got some clothes, showered, and went back to my room and locked the door. I put down my cap, revealing my brown hair with white streak.

I went to my backpack to unpack it and put in the books I needed for Monday, tomorrow is Saturday meaning it's the weekends. The only time I can be free from the bullying and hang out with Gopal.

I was reading a book when I heard knocking "Bbb, Abang Gempa made food for us, come down. It's been awhile." Abang Solar said to me, what's going to be my reason now? I've used homework way too much, should I just sleep? Yea I think that's the best for now. I put down my book on my desk and went to sleep.


I got up and stretched, I went to my wardrobe and got a long black sleeved shirt to cover up my brusies and jeans for today. I unlocked my bedroom door and went to shower.

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