Dear Diary

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All the date is not real! So let's say Bbb is born in 2006 yea? Meaning he is 17 this year (2023)

Sorry if it's confusing!
Dear Diary,

I just arrived in Pulau Rintis! I'm currently in my room, I'm so tired from the train ride! I arrived at night or something like that.. Anyways I should get some sleep, Goodnight!

From BoBoiBoy

Date: 13/03/2016






Dear Diary,

Hi! It's the next day now and I just finished helping Tok Aba with his shop, wah his drinks was delicious!

I made some friends today, let's see..

There is Gopal who seems to buy drinks from Tok Aba everyday, surprisingly he's the one who introduced to me about Tok Aba's drinks.

Then there is Mimi- Eh sorry it's Yaya! She makes cookies guessing she likes baking? I don't know but she's nice!

Lastly, there is Ying. She literally ordered a drink from the phone when she's next to me! Eh, she said she was shy but I don't know..

Anyways that's it for today! Bye!

From BoBoiBoy

Date: 14/03/2016






Dear Diary,

Sorry I haven't been updating but I just met a floating.. ball? Anyways, his name is Ochobot and I met him from a ALIEN SPACESHIP! How crazy is that? The alien's name is Adudu, weird right? He has a purple robot name Probe.

Anyways, Ochobot gave me a power wrist watch and he scanned me! He looks like he's from the future! He said I have elemental powers from this planet. Cool right? I'm a superhero now!

I may or may not have caused a 'storm' and 'earthquake' hehe. Looks like I have Lightning, Wind, and Earth!

I'm gonna sleep now, Goodnight!

From BoBoiBoy

Date: 16/03/2016






Dear Diary,

I just fought with Adudu and Probe, guess what? I CAN SPLIT AND GET COPIES OF MYSELF!!

It's like having brothers, you know? So cool! Since it's Lightning, Wind, and Earth. I'm gonna call them.. The Original Trio! Like the original three, right? Eh, I don't know..

Oh and guess what? Gopal, Ying, and Yaya got their own powers! How cool is that? If I remember correctly..

Ying got superspeed, Yaya got superstrength, Gopal got... Eh I don't know hehe, I kicked Ochobot too hard that he lost some memories.. Oops?

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