The Wind Beside You

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"BBB!" Kokotiam yelled as they saw their leader and bestfriend collapsed on the floor.

They've just got back from a mission, they got injured and the power sphera back. But at what cost? Life?

Here we see Yaya carrying Bbb's body with her bubble to the medical room with the others running behind them.

As soon as they arrive, the doctors there then took Bbb and carried him to the a bed immediately and started treating him. The doctors decided to leave Bbb and rest while they treat the gang's wounds.

All of a sudden, Bbb's watch glow for a second and a white-blueish orb came out of the watch revealing his newest element, Beliung the third tier of Taufan and Wind.

Beliung was always happy and cheerful, making everyone's day happy. But he was the exact opposite, seeing his master's body all bandaged up with some wounds still visible makes him sad and frowned. Why didn't Bbb just summoned Beliung? He could've taken down the enemy easily.

Beliung just floated around Bbb and used his scarfs to wrapped it around Bbb's neck gently to not choke him.

"Haih, Ori.. Why didn't you just summon me? I could've taken down the enemy easily and you wouldn't be injured." Beliung sighed as he looked outside the window, the space looks beautiful today.

"Heh, it's fine Beliung.. I'm okay." Bbb said as he tried to sit up, Beliung who saw this float behind him and helped him sit up.

"You? Okay? I don't see that, all I see is my master's body covered in bandages and some wounds still visible. How is that okay, Ori?" Beliung softly said as he landed on the floor beside his master.

Bbb didn't know what to say to that as he looked at his arms that is indeed covered in bandages, he touched his face feeling some sting indicating that there is indeed some wounds left.

"Haih.. Stop saying you're okay when your not, us elements know how you feel. Stop hiding from us, stop bring reckless and selfless. Always putting before yourself." Beliung said as he hugged Bbb.

"Hehe, sorry.." Was all Bbb could say after hearing his element talked, he ruffled Beliung's blue hair.

(A/N: Ok, to be honest.. I don't know if his hair is blue or not but I want it that way plus from the newest Issue aka Issue 26, Bbb Rimba has green hair? So yea.)

"I'll be here with you for however long you want! I want to spend time with my master~" Beliung said as he let go of their hug and floated.

Bbb just sighed and nodded, not wanting to reject his element's request or something like that. It was getting late so Bbb went to bed while Beliung watched Bbb so nothing disturbs his peaceful sleep.

[Next day..]

"Ori~! Wake up, it's a bright and happy day today!" Beliung said as he tried waking up his master which worked.

"Ha! You're awake, come on~! Let's go get you something to eat." Beliung said as he floated to the door waiting for Bbb walk through and followed behind him.

Beliung looks like a ghost following Bbb like a bodyguard, wrapping Bbb with his scarfs. The agents there looked terified at Beliung's expression, showing a bright and cheerful face yet a aura and smile as deadly as a angry mother.

As they arrive at the cafeteria, there they saw Bbb's friends sitting at a table. Bbb walked to the table and sat down while Beliung was floating behind him.

"Okay Ori! You wait here while I grab your food, Okay~?" Beliung cheerfully said as he floated towards the place where you get your food.

"Erm Bbb? Why did you let Beliung out?" Yaya asked as she finishes her food.

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