Chapter 1 - A World Gripped In Isolation

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People once believed that we would be married by now...even had a few children...but here we were, both single and miserable.

Her hair was wavy, just like water, and light brown, just like bark off a new Douglas Fir sapling. She had dyed highlights to her to add some blonde to help stand out. Yet, it has failed to yield any results so far.

Her eyes, though, were the most enchanting aspect of her face! Blue-grey orbs of light that seemed to always sparkle like diamonds.

She was so slender that sometimes I felt that I could snap her in half if I hugged her too hard.

She wears a teal cap to contain her lustrous hair, with a red and green scarf to block out the cold around her neck. She was bundled in a brown jacket that I had bought her for Christmas, last year.

She looked like a Broadway model in those skintight blue jeans. She wore leather high heel boots that almost matched her jacket as she plays the role of designer. That was her dream: to design clothing for both men and women; but especially women.

"There you are!" she says, absolutely beaming "I was starting to think that you missed the ferry!"

I chuckled as I barely caught this boat on a mad dash through the city.

"A little Seattle traffic has never made me late before...only fashionably delayed!" I laugh at my own joke, adding "It's sort of a crapshoot in this city!" November gives an obligatory laugh as she just nods her head. She can understand the sentiment quite well.

"Yeah, traffic here is terrible!" She makes herself comfortable as she cuts to the chase. "So, how did the audition go today? It was with Sirens of the Sea, correct?"

I nod as I think back to the moments when it had all gone wrong...right when my phone rang to give me the bad news.

"Well..." as I sat beside her " first it seemed all was going great! The photographer and director seemed intrigued by my portfolio. They even asked me to come in for a possible second calling..."

"What does that mean again?"

"Second calling?" I asked as she nodded, swooping her long hair aside. To be honest, I personally cannot see how anyone could deal with long hair! What is the use of having long hair that just gets in the way of everything!? Constantly needing conditioner and shampoo by the handful! Troubles with it drying out one day, and greasy the next!

"Uhm, Skylynn!?" I heard her call out to me.

"Oh, uhm, sorry! Kinda spaced out there." I blushed "A second-calling means that you go in for a second rehearsal and that usually leads to a job. The first is just the audition...or also called a Calling."

"Ah!" She smiles, now understanding. "That sounds wonderful sweetie! So why the gloomy face then?"

I slowly inhale deeply and exhale slower than before as I sink into the grief that has plagued me since that phone call.

"I just got that call from the agency and they said that the role has been filled by another." I cradled my head in my hands as I could not believe my rotten luck! "They even had the nerve to say that if I was just born a female, that I would have had a better chance at landing the role with how androgenous I appear! I think I'm in the wrong field Ember! This is my twelfth audition in a row! The twelfth that I've been turned down from. I don't know what I'm going to do!"

"I'm sorry." she muttered as reality sinks in.

"At this rate, there's no way I'm going to be able to afford next month's rent! I'm barely staying afloat as is!" as I could already just imagine the humiliation I will have to face if I must go crawling back home. "I can't live off of kiddy parties...and even those are far and in-between since this COVID fiasco!"

The Mystical Life Of Caitlynn Acacia (TG Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin