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Recognizing the toll that Rain's nightmares were taking on him, Phayu knew that he couldn't bear to see his beloved suffer alone. With a heavy heart and a sense of determination, he reached out to Porsche and Pete, seeking their guidance and support in helping Rain overcome his demons.

Gathering in the quiet solitude of the hospital room, Phayu, Porsche, and Pete sat down with Rain, their hearts heavy with empathy as they listened to him recount his struggles with the nightmares that plagued him.

"Rain," Phayu began, his voice gentle yet firm, "we're here for you. You don't have to face this alone."

Porsche nodded in agreement, his expression filled with compassion. "We understand what you're going through, Rain," he said softly. "But you have to know that you're not weak for struggling with this. It's okay to ask for help."

Pete reached out to place a comforting hand on Rain's shoulder, his eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "We're family, Rain," he said, his voice steady with conviction. "And family sticks together, no matter what. We'll help you get through this, I promise."

Tears welled in Rain's eyes as he looked into the faces of his loved ones, feeling a surge of gratitude for their unwavering support. In that moment, he knew that he didn't have to face his nightmares alone, that he had a family who would stand by him through every trial and tribulation.

With a nod of determination, Rain resolved to confront his fears head-on, knowing that with the love and support of Phayu, Porsche, and Pete by his side, he could overcome anything that stood in his way.

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