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The sound of gunshots echoed through the warehouse, a sharp contrast to the tense silence that had engulfed the room moments earlier. As the smoke cleared, Vegas and Kinn emerged, their faces grim with determination.

With a steely glint in his eye, Vegas surveyed the scene before him, his gaze flickering between Rain and Phayu, both of whom lay battered and broken on the ground. Anger boiled within him at the sight of their suffering, a primal instinct to protect his family overriding any sense of mercy.

"Kinn," Vegas said, his voice low and dangerous. "I'm going to enjoy making Stop pay for what he's done."

Kinn nodded in silent agreement, his expression mirroring Vegas's resolve. Together, they advanced towards Stop and his men, their movements deliberate and calculated.

Stop's eyes widened in fear as he realized the tables had turned, his earlier bravado crumbling in the face of Vegas and Kinn's relentless pursuit. With nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, he knew that his fate was sealed.

As Vegas and Kinn closed in, a cold fury gripped their hearts, driving them forward with a singular purpose—to mete out justice for Rain and Phayu, no matter the cost.

With a swift and decisive motion, Vegas and Kinn unleashed their wrath upon Stop and his men, their blows fueled by a righteous fury that left no room for mercy. Each strike was a testament to their determination to protect their family at all costs, to ensure that no one would ever dare to harm their loved ones again.

And as the final echoes of violence faded into the darkness, Vegas and Kinn stood victorious, their mission accomplished. Though the scars of their ordeal would linger, they knew that they had emerged stronger and more united than ever before, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together as a family.

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