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As Rain found the courage to recount the harrowing events that had unfolded during his captivity, a heavy silence settled over the hospital room. Phayu listened intently, his heart breaking with each word that fell from Rain's lips, yet he remained steadfast by his side, determined to be a source of strength and support.

"They used me," Rain's voice trembled with emotion as he spoke, his eyes haunted by the memories of his ordeal. "They hurt me, both physically and emotionally. But worst of all, they made me feel like I was nothing, like I was powerless to stop them."

Phayu's heart clenched at the pain etched on Rain's face, his own anguish mirrored in his eyes. But even as his own wounds throbbed with pain, he knew that his priority was to be there for Rain, to offer him the comfort and reassurance he so desperately needed.

Wrapping an arm around Rain's shoulders, Phayu drew him close, offering silent support as he struggled to find the words to express his own feelings. In that moment, words seemed inadequate to convey the depth of his love and admiration for Rain, but he hoped that his presence spoke volumes.

"You're not alone, Rain," Phayu whispered, his voice filled with conviction. "I'm here for you, and so is everyone else who loves you. We'll get through this together, I promise."

As Rain leaned into Phayu's embrace, a sense of gratitude washed over him, knowing that he had found a true partner in Phayu, someone who would stand by him through every trial and tribulation. And as they faced the challenges of the road ahead, hand in hand, Phayu knew that their love would be their guiding light, illuminating the path to healing and redemption.

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