15- Justify Your Love

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Reiji let out a sigh of relief that she was able to see to reason. "I will admit when Shyla had first told me what she had it had stunned and shocked me a lot. I didn't know what to think about the situation that was placed in front of her and I. When I went to find Shyla I wasn't going to break things off with her, I wanted to understand how the clones worked and if I had came across any others like herself. I wanted to be sure that if I had that she knew that she was the only woman that I loved and cared for. She helped me out of a dark spot in my life and I wouldn't trade that for anything."

"Princess, don't take his words with too much. He is merely wanting not to feel pain or harm due to knowing what it'll mean to lose the woman before him." Sogo stated speaking up

Hanarina looked at Sogo stunned "Truly Osaka senpai?"

Sogo nodded his head "If you will listen to what I have to say and judge from there princess I will give you my take on everything that I've seen since it was Iori and I that came here first."

Hana went up to Sogo and smiled at the white haired male. "You are one of my best friends Osaka senpai, I will always take the advise that you give me. No matter in what form I come in I still see you as one of the best people I've ever had contact with. Please do speak your mind as always I will always take your words to heart and as truths."

Sogo took a deep breath before he looked at Hanarina. "Kotobuki is only trying to save his skin, he has heard the words your assistant has spoken to the others and knows now what it'll mean for him to lie and show deceit. He doesn't want to lose what hold he has on you, he knows what'll mean if he loses that hold. You deserve to be happy and loved by someone who will actually love you for you-not because of some strange circumstance."

Hanarina was quiet before she looked at Kakeru. "Do you agree with him Kakeru?"

The blond male nodded his head. "Mhm, Aoi and I were placed here not long after them, it's obvious that the male who is in question doesn't want to lose that hold on you princess. Don't let his words twist your mind and judgement. Take the words of your clone to heart, she knows him better than anyone else."

Hanarina looked at Shyla. "Shyla, do you wish to disappear?"

"Please? I cannot deal with his lies any longer." Shyla said with a nod of her head

Hanarina went up to Shyla placing her hand softly on her face. "Then you will get your sweet release darling." She spoke sincerely before her eyes sharply narrowed at Reiji who looked terrified that so many people had gone against him. 

"Kotobuki Reiji you have failed your trial test! The moment all of you stood on this platform the trial had begun, and you have done nothing more than show that you don't care! So I don't care about you anymore! Your memories and the memories of those who knew Mason shyla will no longer exist. Farwell asshole!" She growled out angered before she slashed an 'X' upon him and the pillar making him disappear and Shyla faded into nothing. 

"Rina...Hana, you two are the last two to stand." Hanarina said with a smile

Both females nodded their heads as Hana placed her scythe down in the middle of the room before she looked at Iori and Aoi. "Iori...Aoi. Both of you are lovely males, I know your love for the females you adore is true. I will not question that-but sadly I do not have the power to save both of your women. I will first allow the girls to make their statements on why they wish to live, afterwards I will allow the two of you to do the same."

Both males nodded their heads only for the double doors on the side of the room to open as Julian stood quickly in front of Hanarina. "Why do you enter this room? This room is off limits to everyone but the royal family!" Julian said seriously

"Stand down boy, that is our daughter you are protecting." The male said seriously

Hearing the male spoke Hanarina pushed Julian to the side and bowed to her reaper father. "Greetings lord Itondaya."

"Daughter...It seems like you are just about done with your trial."

"Yes sir."

"I have great news for you-due to your dedication to learning who you are and having so many lives out in other times. You have been granted with one more safe life."

Hanarina stood up straight with wide eyes. "Are you saying that I don't need to chose father?"

"That is correct, which will leave you with three males yes?"

"No sir, incorrect." Hanarina said shaking her head

"No? You were supposed to have twelve lovers in total yes?"

"No incorrect again. My birth parents only wished for me to have ten possible lovers with two people to consult in." Hanarina stated shaking her head

"I see, once you have your chosen lover. Come meet with us and we will start your reaper training."

Julian growled out angered as he pulled Hanarina into his chest. "You two promised you two wouldn't interfere with her families life style! This is interfering!"

"What are they going to do kill us? They are spineless hu-" The male stated before the five males saw a dark purple glow pass by the pillars and the reaper male on the ground with a sword stuck in his chest

It wasn't until the glow had faded that they saw that it was the princesses mother. "M-Mother?!" Hanarina said shocked

"We are not spinless you piece of shit! we allowed you to revive our daughter so we didn't lose one of our children!" Amaya growled out angered

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