7: Book

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Shun knew that Lina was a rather busy woman, between writing a script for the TV show that would showcase her as a decent person and being a full time idol with jobs that would take up a lot of time. He didn't get to see her a lot, but he did know that the woman he was in love was wasn't a 'normal' person in any sense of the term. He knew she was special and she confirmed it when she had openly admitted to him one day when they were alone that she wasn't who he thought she was. Why she was able to do what she was-he had his suspicions and she proved his thoughts rather well that night.

But it didn't make him think any less about the woman that he adored so much. Instead it made him realize how much time he didn't have left with her. He knew in time that she would be gone, that she would end up no longer being part of the time and the memories of her would fade and be no longer as well. As he went searching for her one day he noticed a book on their shared bed that he hadn't seen before. "A wiccan book of shadows? Why would Lina have this?" Shun pondered aloud before he saw the paper beside it.

He picked up the paper and knew instantly that it came from Lina. 

|To my dearest love, It is time to show me that you love me and care as much about me as you say and claim that you have. We have gone through hell in a hand basket. Can you truly handle all of me and accept me as I am or will you falter at the mere sight of how I truly am? Hold on to my book of shadows and you will see the real me before you.|

"It figures she'd write something like this for me to deal with. I see I have no other choice in the matter if I wish to see her. Very well then. Let's see what interesting place you came from little Lina." He spoke as he picked up the book. 

When he got to the platform he instant got confused seeing Kakeru there as well as Izumi Iori. "What is going on here, I didn't think I'd see either one of you two here."

"Greetings Shun, seems like the woman Lina whom you knew didn't completely tell you everything. I'm Julian I'll be answering anything you have questions about."

"Well Julian mind telling me why I ended up in this room and were Lina is?"

"Lina is in the crystal you see before you. Her real name is Hanarina. She is a princess before you ask. You are here to prove your love and dedication to the woman you fell in love with. You preached and swore you loved her-now it's time to place that love to the test once all others have made themselves known." Julian stated calmly 

"And what about the two that I do see that I know?"

"Izumi Iori is here because he has been in contact and has been in love with a clone of the woman you see before you. Kakeru is here as a voice of reason." Julian stated

"I see...What about the lines on the ground what are they for?" shun asked as he looked around the platform."

"Good question, but I cannot answer that. If I did the test you all will be taking will be for not."

"So there's a limit of what you can say huh?"


"Will you at least tell me why Lina had a book of shadows? She isn't religious."

"Oh...so that's where that made off to. Huh, didn't think she'd actually use it. It's hers alright. She is too religious just her religion doesn't require her to go into a stupid building just to be able to pray or preach what she believes in. As long as she has full faith in her beliefs she'd always be able to keep her religion close to her." Julian said seriously

"Is it safe to say that it is because of her devotion that we're here like this?" Haruka asked

"Oh you are actually going to ask a smart question kid? Tch, well that's something I didn't expect. But I will answer that question-yes, yes it is. Honestly I would have thought one of the others would have asked that question. But it's good to know you can use your head."

"I might not be that bright but I am listening to everything being said. It's not that difficult to gather information and come up with questions based off of them." Haruka said with a huff

"Sure, whatever you say child. Now the next person comes. Please wait until they come through before asking further questions."

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