14: Too Real....

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The room was quiet for a moment before Kana spoke up looked to Kira. "I know you've been quiet for most of this Kira...are you upset with me?"

Kira shook his head. "I'm not, I just don't know how to take that you aren't your own person but a clone."

Kana looked down sadly "The only way that'll happen is if you actually give a damn enough about me to go forth with saving me in the crystal."

"Expressing myself is only possible through music, so let's see if it's good enough." Kira said as he walked up to her and cupped her face in his hand."

Kana placed her hand over his. "O...okay Kira."

Kira looked only at her as he sang his heart out to her, while he did the lines on the ground turned yellow as the crystal cracked and only a small part of it chipped off. Julian raised an eyebrow as he saw what happened. Once Kira finished singing half of the crystal had shattered letting the princess being able to see what has happened. She was stunned to see that the person who had so much passion was no one other than Kira.

"Sumeragi Kira you have saved Kana. Congratulations. Julio let them go back together."

"B-But Lady Hanarina..."

"I am able to let three of them go with a free pass...wait where is Yaotome? He was one I was going to give a free pass too as well."

Julian averted his eyes. "I went in order lady Hanarina."

The reaper female looked at Julian angered. "You did what?! You realize you were supposed to do it as they came in NOT by the clone making?! You have completely fucked up everything Julian!"

Julian bowed his head in shame. "I...I apologize my lady."

The princess rubbed between her eyes. "This is why I hate humans..." She muttered annoyed "Well he is gone as is their son. I will then give the free pass to two of the others then. Haruka you and your beloved will be given a pass. I will not torture you with having you go through such nonsense. But I do want to see how much passion you have for her. Would you be a doll and sing for her and I please?"

Haruka stiffened up hearing the princess speak to him. She sounded just like his beloved girlfriend. "Y-Yes of course." He said with a nod of his head

Haruka looked at Rena and sang straight from his heart only for the lines on the ground to turn teal as his pillar glowed brightly which was new for all of them to see. The crystal completely shattered from around Hanarina as he finished singing. The princess clapped her hands and smiled at the male. "Very well done. Go on and take your girlfriend-have a happy life together."

Haruka nodded his head and pulled Rena into him who was happy to be close to him. Julian did what he was told and took the two couples back home. Hanarina saw just how many males were left before her eyes landed on Rei. "So...he did get you." She said before she walked up to the vampire male

He smiled at her. "Princess."

"I'm pretty sure Julian has told you some nonsense to make you come here. You should have been given a choice in the matter."

"I came here on my own free will princess."

"Oh? Well then, I'm pleased to have someone who is not of human blood within the ranks of males here." She said with a smile before she looked at the clones that were left. 

"Ladies, you all have made a life for yourselves. Lives that I have no knowledge of. So ladies honestly tell me who do you believe deserves a chance to be with their lover?"

Yuki spoke up first. "Ichinose has been questioning me no doubt he wishes nothing more than to leave my side. I refuse to love someone like that."

"Y-Yuki why would you say that?" Tokiya said sadly

"You can't tell me that you didn't go to find me just to break up with me!" Yuki hissed out coldly

Tokiya averted his eyes and said nothing, Hanarina grabbed her scythe from Julian before she pushed Tokiya back into the pillar that was behind him. "You are a sick minded mother fucker to think that you could do something like string along a part of me. For that your memories of Yuki will die. You have failed your own heart you bastard!" She growled out angered as she slashed out at him. Yuki didn't scream out in pain like the other two had, instead she accepted her death and faded to dust.

Julia then spoke up "Masato has been the same."

Shyla nodded her head in agreement "Reiji as well. It is safe to say that the two of them will not change. The preach and sing about 'love' but have none for those they should keep close."

Julia nodded her head in agreement "I refuse to accept such a fate with a man who doesn't love me for me."

Hanarina smiled at the two females before she went to Masato first. "You have failed the trial of your heart by not making it clear that you love the woman you are seeing before you. For that you will hold no memories of her nor will anyone else who had gotten close to her. Be it friend or otherwise." 

Hanarina slashed the pillar along side Masato as Julia flipped masato off as she disappeared into dust like Yuki had. Hanarina then went to Reiji who had his hands up. "W-wait princess...please can't I speak before you place judgement on me?"

Hanarina stood between her and Shyla. "You helped Ando out with her darkness and kept her from killing herself. So I will allow you to speak just this once, you have only one chance to justify your proclaims."

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