1: It Has Begun

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"Lady Hanarina, it is time. All of the players are in place. You must now do what is expected of you. Call upon the twelve souls and bring them forth."

The young female looked up at the night sky with a frown. "All but one has been able to see a part of who I am, I do not know if this is a good idea. What if they believe that I am not who they believe me to be?"

"If they do not then they are not worthy enough to be at your side, you have given all but one the love and life of a life time. Without your love their lives would be dull. If they cannot accept all of you then they will not be able to survive the trial."

"May I ask, the one that I cannot reach. Who is he?" The female asked as she looked at the dark blue haired male with her teal eyes

"His name is Rei Sakuma. He is an idol from a group called UNDEAD, he has a hereditary illness that makes him weak to sunlight and crave that of blood. Even though he personally does not drink blood, he prefers that of tomato juice instead and may go on days forgetting to eat. He is a rather talented individual and is the individual your father has personally has asked me to make sure that you get the most time with. It will be up to that male to make or break this trial experiment." 

The young female hugged her scythe tightly and shut her eyes with a sigh. "I guess I should call back my clones and put the timelines as they should be now...without their actions to change the weight of what others do." She said sadly before she opened her eyes "Let's go to the room of times to summon them Julian. I will turn to be in crystal once my clones are back here and back as a part of who I am. I will need you to instruct them well until I am broken out of it."

"I am aware of what will happen to you lady Hanarina. As your advisor I will do what I can to help you out. Just like your father had to your mother."

The two of them went down the halls of the large palace, as they did they were stopped by an elder male with dark blue hair. "Julian are you taking her to the room of Time?"

"Yes I am Lord Enzo jr. It is time that your youngest sister does her job just like your mother had done when it was her time."

Enzo jr let out a sigh "The fact that it has to be her instead of one of the others is stupid. I hate that our parents have allowed thing to happen not just to her but to Emilia and Amatae as well."

Hanarina looked at her eldest brother. "Brother, I will be fine. If  our mother could deal with her trial then I can do my own. It is an honor to take on the role our mother once took."

"That's my girl, I am proud to hear that you will still go through with it daughter." The trio heard from behind them.

Hanarina looked behind her to see her father walking with her mother beside him. She bowed towards her parents as did Julian. "Your majesty." Julian stated formally

"Evening mother-father." Hanarina stated

"Evening Hanarina. Are you on your way to the Room of Time sweetie?" Her mother asked

"Yes mother."

"Good, before you go. I should explain to you why my trial ended in a failure."

Hanarina looked at her mother confused "Yes mother?"

"Those whom I had chosen to place my soul in with were people I thought could take and understand me. I wasn't as spread thin as you are dearest daughter, but I did have more than a few suitors that had blind sided me with how they truly thought of me. In the end I didn't believe any of them could do me justice. None of them thought to question me or even do anything to show that they truly loved and cared for the real me. They only saw the frail woman whom they had gotten to know over years. Your father assisted me throughout it all, I did not see any of the males as a candidate for the place where your father now stands. Your father had become a rather envious male and schemed behind my back." Her mother stated calmly

The dark blue haired male beside the elder woman averted his eyes ashamed of his past actions.

"He had poisoned the king-your grandfather, and chose to kill my younger siblings-your aunts. It wasn't until your father thought that it was a good damn idea to kidnap me that I realized just how much he actually loved and cared for me. I already knew that he was the neighboring kingdoms prince, I wasn't that stupid. I had to summon the remaining males that hadn't blown their chance giving them a faux hope of coming back here just so I could calm him down. I failed my test since I ended up with your father instead of one of the boys that were placed out in front of me."

Hanarina looked stunned "I see...before I go to the Room of Time may I ask a question?"

"Of course." Her parents said with a nod of their heads

"Why wasn't I allowed to have a copy of myself around Rei Sakuma if he is a candidate?"

The two of them looked at one another before her father went up to her and cupped her face in his hands. "Daughter had you done so you would have killed yourself, you are only so strong.  The strength that you have is only as strong as the strength your mother and I possess...which isn't that much. It was a miracle that you didn't end up killing yourself with the clones you had made. Not even your mother had managed to do that many. We didn't wish to lose you, the male whom you asked about isn't like the others. He isn't human, since you-yourself aren't human as well it stands to reason he may find fondness in you. Which if he does do not fret about it. Accept it."

"What if the others accept me too?"

"then that will be your job to see how far they will accept you." Her mother said seriously

Hanarina nodded her head before she hugged her father. "I will do my best father."

"That is all we can ask for Hanarina. Best of luck daughter."

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