6: Sketch Pad

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Aoi and Hana had been on good terms until Aoi couldn't believe what Hana had said to him. He didn't want to believe the words that she had said to him. But once he calmed down and he spoke with some of those from Six Gravity and even Shun-he realized that Hana was telling him the truth, he had no right to not believe in the woman that he had been in love with. So he went to apologize to her, knowing that she would always draw to calm her nerves he knew where she'd be.

But when he went to where she'd be-he didn't find her, but he did see a very frantic Kakeru looking around for her.  "Kakeru what's wrong? Where's Hana?" 

"I...I don't know, s-she had placed her drawing pad down with a note out of nowhere then disappeared. I saw it happen, I don't know where she went!" The younger blond male said concerned.

Aoi read the note in hopes that he would be able to figure out what to do and how to find Hana. 

|To my dearest love, It is time to show me that you love me and care as much about me as you say and claim that you have. We have gone through hell in a hand basket. Can you truly handle all of me and accept me as I am or will you falter at the mere sight of how I truly am? Hold on to the sketch pad and you will see the real me before you.|

"The sketch pad?" Aoi said aloud to himself

Kakeru picked it up and gave it to Aoi. "What about her sketch pad Aoi?"

Before he could answer two of them were transported to an unknown place with a bunch of pillars. Instantly once they had Aoi noticed Sogo and looked stunned. "Osaka, what's going on here?"

"So...you're here too..and it seems like Shiwasu was brought with as it had been done with me. The woman you see before you is the woman you knew and loved. But don't move you do and the pillar behind you will cease to glow your color." Sogo stated

Aoi jumped a bit hearing him speak before he looked behind him to see that the pillar was glowing the light color that was his color. "So...Hana was right." He said as he touched the pillar

"The woman you are with told you everything didn't she?" Gaku asked

Aoi nodded his head. "Yes, but I didn't want to believe she was a mere clone...but now I understand why she said what she had. Didn't want me to hurt or get confused being here."

"Kakeru and Sogo, I am aware that you two weren't ever romantically involved with the princess that is before you two. But you two have both been chosen to be here for a reason." Julian said seriously through the darkness.

"W-Who was that?!" Aoi said looking around

"Hanarina's attendant Julian. He won't harm you unless you give him a reason to. He's merely keeping an eye on us for now." Gaku stated

"Oh...I see."

"Why are we here Julian?" Sogo asked curiously

"First lets start with you Sogo, you've been rather accepting of what's going on and one of the calmest that have come through so far. You kind sir, have been a good role model for her-you've also protected her when she needed it most with the nonsense with your family. That was never supposed to happen. But it did and with your help the two of you were able to grow a friendship bond she has never had in that time line and it will help her grow as a person. She has given you the trust that she's never given a male before-she hopes that you will give that trust back in time." Julian said seriously

"I will always trust her as long as we are still friends." Sogo said with a smile

"Good to hear-Now Kakeru...you've done well as a friend to Hana, Be it as it may with the timeline you and Aoi came from. The two of you aren't constricted to the social status of having cat like parts any longer while you two are here. With that being said, even though she was given the fate to be around Aoi. She adored having you as a friend since you listened to her and gave her advice that she would always take. She wanted you here to be a voice of reason. You and Sogo are not here as romance options but merely as voice of reasons for the others. That is your only purpose here. Princess Hanarina wanted two people outside of myself to advise her and to help her figure out what would be best for her. Her options varied and she tested so many people. It was the two of you that passed with flying colors."

Sogo's eyes widened in shock. "Really? When did she test me?"

"In your memories you should have a time where she had asked to talk to you one on one about the subject I had mentioned before and your feelings truly about it. Even though she knew you'd be uncomfortable talking about your family and about how you felt about it-you still gave her your honest opinion and thoughts about it which she took to heart. With you being that vulnerable with her you showed her that she could trust you." Julian said before he sighed "I'll speak more in a bit-another comes now."

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