39: nausea.

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The past week had been insane. Sarah had finally managed to convince John B to have the wedding at Tannyhill. So, rather surreally, the Pogues and the Camerons had spent hours on end preparing the house and grounds for the big party.

After they'd finished folding the laundry, Billie and Rafe had spent every waking minute together, save for Sarah's bachelorette party, which definitely didn't involve any male strippers. Or at least, that's what they told the boys.

Billie, Kiara and Wheezie had spent the night at Sarah's, while John B, Pope and JJ had had a poker night at the Chateau.

Today was the day. Billie woke up feeling nervous, for some reason. Her and Rafe's families were bonded together today, through sickness and health. So, they were stuck together too, in some way or other.

"I can't find my shoes," Sarah yelled out in panic. Billie looked up from her half eaten piece of toast and found Kie rolling her eyes.

"They're under the bed," Kie whispered and waited for a second in anticipation.

"Never mind, they were under the bed," Sarah yelled from the other room causing Kie to sigh with a straight smile. Billie chuckled.

Sarah stormed out into the kitchen and looked her bridesmaids over with wide frantic eyes.

"Why are you not dressed?" she said, out of breath. Kie and Billie looked at each other.

"We're not leaving for another two hours," Kie pointed out and double-checked the clock on the wall, which confirmed what she thought. Sarah quickly shook her head.

"No, no. We changed that. Rafe's picking us up in twenty minutes, guys," Sarah stressed. Billie stood up and went over to her.

"Okay. We'll be ready, don't worry. Have something to eat, okay?" Billie gently touched Sarah's arm, trying to calm her down a little.

"I already feel like I'm going to throw up," Sarah squirmed into her shoes with an uncomfortable expression. "Also, I'm not spilling anything on this." She gestured to her wedding dress. It was just enough sophistication combined with summer and beach. Exactly like Sarah. She looked beautiful.

Sarah shooed Kie and Billie away and they started getting ready.


No one answered the door when Rafe knocked. The third time he knocked there was still no answer so he walked in anyway. He sat down on a stool by the kitchen island and waited.

"Hello sexy," Billie said behind him. He looked at her with a surprised grin. His eyes drifted over her body. She bit her lip. "Do you want me to twirl?" she raised her eyebrows.

"You can twirl," Rafe said with a cocky grin and stood up. He slowly walked up to her.

He offered his hand and she placed hers softly in his palm. Then he lifted his arm and twirled her around.

As she spun back to facing him, they chuckled lightly. Rafe's face suddenly grew serious and his eyes flickered to her mouth. She bit her lip knowingly. Rafe exhaled sharply through his nose, his eyes growing darker in response to Billie's teasing expression.

At that moment, Sarah, Kie and Wheezie came into the kitchen but stopped short when they saw Rafe and Billie standing barely an inch apart, not letting their eyes off each other.

"You know you're not the ones getting married today right?" Wheezie scoffed. Rafe and Billie swung around to look at their audience awkwardly, Rafe keeping one hand firmly placed on Billie's waist.

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