14: what are you doing?

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what are you doing?

Two hours later Billie could hardly stand straight. She was two shots from the world completely spinning and words from her mouth discontinuing to make any sense.

John B seemed to be having a great time with her friends. It was a good way for him to learn more about her life here without her having to unpack it for him. She knew she had to talk to her brother at some point but she felt guilty for staying away for so long. As Billie soon realised, guilt is drownable in tequila.

As she swung Sarah around on the dance floor, eyes hazy, the room pulsating up her legs, the heat of other bodies radiating through the crowd, and alcohol searing through her veins, she realised that there was nothing to worry about at all. Everything would be fine, right? People just need to calm down, have a drink, and get along. Who holds grudges after a decade? She giggled when she thought about how silly she had been. This was no big deal. So she kissed Rafe a couple of times, whatever.

"Psst, Sarah," Billie whispered (well, a drunken whisper) in her friend's ear, ignorant to the beat of doom in her inner ear. "I'll tell you who it is," she giggled with wide, crazy eyes.

"You're so wasted," Sarah laughed and spun around, head leaned back.

"No I really will. Come on," she said and took Sarah's hand. Billie dragged Sarah to the corner of the room where she took her phone out.

"What are you doing," Sarah asked, amused at Billie's drunken determination.

"Duh. Texting him," Billie rambled while tapping on her phone. Sarah, growing weary as Billie stumbled slightly, took her phone from her.

"Hello! It's never a good idea to drunk text someone you're seeing," Sarah explained and took a firm hold of Billie's arm, steadying her. But suddenly the phone in Sarah's hand rang, bringing Sarah's attention to the screen rather than to her intoxicated friend. She pushed her blond hair back through her fingers to keep it out of her eyes. Her face fell.

"Why is Rafe calling you?" Sarah asked firmly and looked into Billie's eyes. Her expression was serious, her eyes confused and upset. Billie looked back at her with a smile, not computing what was happening at all. "Billie?" She said again, like a warning this time. "Why is my brother calling your phone?"

Billie stood frozen looking at Sarah. Her friend eyes her with something worse was than anger - it was disappointment. When Billie's phone rang a third time, Sarah answered.

"Hey big bro... No she's absolutely wasted... You're what? Rafe don't, John B is here... shut up," Sarah sighed. "Oh my god," she hung up and looked at Billie with tired eyes. "Rafe's outside."

Billie glared at Sarah with wide eyes and made her way to the exit, her friends followed closely behind her as they zigzagged through the dance floor.

Outside was a relief. The cold night air chilled Billie's hot body and the spaciousness on the sidewalk made her feel calmer than she had been surrounded by all those people.

Sure enough, pacing outside the bar was Rafe - full suit and everything. He was biting the side of his thumb in anxiousness. When he saw Billie he rushed to her letting his eyes run her up and down to check for any damage. He sighed out when he couldn't spot any visual injuries and then let his eyes fall to his little sister.

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