16: the boiling point.

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the boiling point.

Billie had said goodbye to Sarah and John B this morning, promising that she'd come live with them after her work trip to Charleston in a week. The promise was made out of guilt, really. Her brother had loved his birthday but Billie knew they needed to spend more time just the two of them. They'd been surrounded by people all weekend, partly of Billie's construction. She didn't know if she could lie to John B to his face. He knew her too well.

So, she'd spend a few days in Charleston for work and then she'd spend the coming week in the Outer Banks. She knew she had to go back. It almost seemed counterproductive to not go when she was already going to Charleston. Her logical brain made it easier somehow. Although she had to try not to think about it, otherwise she'd make up reasons not to go. She was out running, thinking about all these things, it made it a little clearer.

As she turned onto her street and towards the stairs that led up to her apartment, she saw Eric sitting on the brown stairs, smoking a cigarette.

"Hi," she panted once she'd reached him. He gave her a smile.

"Hi Billie." He had a very relaxed presence and Billie sat down next to him on the stairs, leaning her elbows on the steps behind her. "Want some?" he offered her the cigarette. Billie laughed and shook her head.

"No thanks."

"Health nut?" Eric asked and looked her up and down.

"I just never got into smoking," she explained and closed her eyes, leaning her head back in the sun.

"But you got into running," Eric tutted teasingly.

"I fucking hate running. I feel like my lungs are burning up in acid," she swallowed and took her hoodie off. "I just prefer that to them burning up, like literally."

"Fair," Eric laughed and Billie joined in. She had to open her eyes because something was blocking the sun from reaching her face. Putting a hand to shield her squinted eyes, she looked at the figure in front of her.

"Rafe?" Billie said surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Didn't you get my text?" Rafe's gaze shifted between Billie and Eric.

"I haven't looked at my phone today," Billie said and Rafe let out a sharp, frustrated breath through his nose. At this reaction, Billie stood up with furrowed brows and gestured her arm towards the front door. Rafe passed her and went into the building without a word. She rolled her eyes.

"Everything okay?" Eric asked her and looked in the direction Rafe just went.

"Yeah," Billie sighed slowly. "I'll see you later, okay?" she said and Eric responded by saluting two fingers at his forehead.

When Billie had walked up the stairs, Rafe was leaning on the wall outside her apartment door with a stern expression. She didn't say anything as she unlocked and opened the door. He followed her inside and closed the door. She put her keys on the kitchen island and watched as Rafe went to stand by the window on the other side of the room. Then he started pacing. He rubbed his eyes with his fingers and then pinched the bridge of his nose with this thumb and index finger.

"What's wrong?" Billie sighed. She wasn't sure she could take this today. There was something familiar about the way he moved. It reminded him of the old Rafe. And that wasn't a nice feeling.

"I don't know," Rafe sighed in frustration. "I don't know what's wrong with me." He sat down on the sofa and let his head fall into his hands.

"Rafe?" Billie approached him carefully. "What's going o-," she was interrupted by a knock on the door. Billie looked at Rafe in a pained and worried expression. His head was still down, his hair slid between his fingers.

"Sorry," Eric smiled gently as she opened the door. "You forgot this outside," he reached out a hand holding the hoodie she'd worn when running.

"For fuck's sake," Rafe chuckled sourly from the living room.

"Oh thanks," she said, glancing back towards Rafe.

"No problem," Eric laughed and waved his hand once before she closed the door and turned around.

Rafe scoffed and stood up, then he headed for the door.

"What's going on Rafe?" Billie threw her hoodie on a chair and crossed her arms. She didn't have the energy for this, whatever he was doing.

"You tell me, Billie," Rafe said and looked at her darkly. She furrowed her brows and shook her head in confusion. Rafe just huffed and gestured towards the door.

"What? Eric?" she said slowly, confusion spinning in her head. Rafe scoffed and shook his head sourly.

"You know what, it doesn't actually matter. I'm just gonna leave," Rafe headed towards the door.

"Leave? Rafe, I don't understand," Billie laughed. Rafe stopped in front of her and pointed his finger at her.

"You're a mess, Billie. It takes too much for me to be there to save you all the fucking time. It drives me fucking insane," he spat.

"I'm a mess?" Billie repeated in disbelief and placed a hand on her chest. "You're the one coming huffing and puffing to my apartment every other day."

"And the other days I have to drop everything to take you back here 'cause you've had a panic attack or, or, you're shitfaced or..." Rafe rubbed his hands through his hair as he paced back and forth. "I can't do it anymore. I can't do...whatever this is," he gestured between them. "It's too complicated. It was stupid. So fucking stupid."

"Fine," Billie said bitterly, face cold, not revealing the growing lump in her throat. "I'm a mess - leave."

"Billie..." Rafe looked at her, surprised at what he'd just said. Pain spread over his face as he saw hers. But she didn't move.

"Leave, Kook," Billie said again. Rafe's face hardened. There was nothing between them. When it mattered, it all boiled down to what it had always had been. And they were back to status quo. He was a kook and she was a pogue.

Rafe left without a word.

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