*18: the fucking point.

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the fucking point.

She walked down the hallway towards the bathroom, then stopped and breathed out with a hand on her forehead. Suddenly, a door to her right opened and someone grabbed her by the elbow into the room.

"What the fuck," Billie muttered and stumbled into the room - Percy's guest bedroom. Then she saw who'd pulled her.

"What are you doing?" Rafe spat. He was angry. Billie held back a smirk.

"I'm not doing anything," Billie persisted and put a hand on her hip, head held up high. Rafe chuckled sourly and rolled his eyes. "What are you doing?"

"I'm done playing your games, Billie," Rafe said.

"My games?" Billie articulated with a hand on her chest.

"Parading around with him like you didn't just met three seconds ago," Rafe flung a hand out and gesticulated to the door.

"What's it to you," she said with a poisonous glare. Rafe smiled viciously but didn't respond.

"What about you? Do you like her?"

"Who?" Rafe furrowed his brows in confusion.

"The blonde clinging to you like a band-aid," Billie explained. "Caroline?"

"Caroline?" Rafe chuckled in disbelief. "She jumped me on the street and demanded to come. I didn't bring her." He walked closer to Billie. She had brought Eric.

"You're jealous," Billie gasped. Like she didn't know. Rafe chuckled dryly and shook his head in frustration.

"Isn't that the fucking point?" Rafe said after a while. They were standing closer now, Billie could feel his warm breath. "Of course I'm fucking jealous, Billie."

"Why?" Billie challenged. "I'm a mess, remember?"

"I'm a mess too," Rafe said and took one final step towards her. She didn't back away. Her skin tingled at their closeness and her face was hot.

"Yeah?" Billie swallowed slowly. Rafe examined her face and breathed controlled breaths through his nose. He nodded slowly as his eyes flickered to her lips, just for a second. The moment of his irises made blood flow down Billie's body in an exhilarating, anticipatory wave. They both breathed heavy, hot breaths, both waiting for the other to move. The tension was overbearing.

Billie bit her bottom lip and swallowed. Rafe smirked and furrowed his brows.

"Don't do that," he swallowed and looked at her with black eyes.

"Do what?" Billie looked up at him with innocent eyes.

"You know what," Rafe's eyes were wild, full of lust.

"I'm just a mess. I don't know what I'm doing," she said finally and backed away with a vicious expression on her face. Rafe's mouth turned into a straight line from disapproval. He furrowed his brows. What is she doing? Was that all a joke to prove the power she has over me? Congrats, I'm horny as fuck.

Billie stayed silent and reached into her purse. Rafe watched her carefully, half expecting her to pick up a camera, snap a picture of him and complete the dare that had taken her here. But when she lifted her hand out of the bag it was closed and she gave him a serious look, as if she was considering what she was about to do one final time.

She took a few steps towards Rafe so that they were as close as they had been before and then got up on her toes and reached up towards his ear. Rafe hitched his breath, expecting her to bite his earlobe the way she'd done that day in the hallway of her apartment building. But she didn't bite his ear, she just leaned in and whispered "I'll see you later." Then she left the room. Rafe was left dumbfounded and completely aroused. You're fucking screwed man.

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