04: she bites.

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she bites.

Billie walked up the stairs to Percy's apartment two steps at a time. The building had an elevator, but she'd rather take the stairs. It was Saturday, almost eight, and time for Billie and Percy's weekly morning run. Well, run and run. It was mostly them gossiping while walking around Central Park in sexy workout gear. 

So, for the occasion, Billie was dressed in a tight white tank top and gray leggings. Her brown hair was tied into a tight French braid that bounced on her upper back as she skipped the two last steps of the stairs. She was ready to burn off some energy and not think about the fever dream that was last night.

She knocked on Percy's door violently. But instead of Percy's door opening, the door across the hall opened.

"Fuck," Billie swore to herself before turning around with a fake excessive smile. Out the door peeked Ms Kravitz, an old lady who despised Billie for her loose modern womanhood.

"Good morning, Ms Kravitz," Billie said politely and then turned around to face Percy's door again, hoping the exchange would be over. She could feel the old lady eyeing her with judgment.

"You'll never get someone to marry you looking like that, dear," Ms Kravitz croaked. Billie looked at her with a smirk before turning around to bang on Percy's door.

"Open up you big sexy piece of manhood," she exclaimed and looked definitely at Ms Kravitz, who seemed as though she might faint, eyes open wide in shock.

Suddenly, Percy's door opened and as Billie turned around to face Percy laughing she realized it wasn't Percy at all, but a newly-awoken Rafe, hair ruffled and only clad in his dress trousers from last night. He pulled a t-shirt over his perfectly sculpted stomach and then turned his head between Billie and Ms Kravitz with a confused look. Billie cleared her throat from shock, dumbfounded for a second.

"Good morning, sir. You should be careful with girls like that. Look at that outfit - leaves nothing to the imagination. That's not the girl you marry," Ms Kravitz explained respectfully to Rafe. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the annoyed girl in front of him up and down with a million questions. Billie tensed her stomach in response to Rafe eyeing her.

"You don't think so? Where's your husband then?" Rafe said finally, catching on. Billie scoffed in surprise at his response before Rafe took hold of Billie's arm. "Come on," he said and pulled her inside. Before he closed the door he turned back to the shocked Ms Kravitz. "Oh and, I'd be careful in riling her up... She bites." Then he closed the door.

"Leave it to you to have enemies in houses you don't even live in," Rafe said as he walked into the kitchen where Billie had helped herself to a glass of water.

"Ms Kravitz is a misogynistic bitch," Billie said spitefully. "What are you doing here?" That was a question she never stopped asking, it seemed.

"I..." Rafe started and scratched his head. "He was so out of it, I didn't want to leave him." He seemed almost ashamed of it, but it warmed up Billie's gut, making her infinitely annoyed. She looked at the sofa, where a blanket and a pillow was thrown.

"He has a guest room, you know," she said, nodding to the arrangement on the sofa.

"I know. I just thought I should be within reach if he woke up having to hurl or whatever," Rafe said. Billie had to ignore him. It was the only way she could respond to this side of him. Caring and thoughtful? It confused her. He was evil. She had to hold on to that. Distracting herself from the growing warmth down her torso, she started opening drawers and cupboards in the kitchen. He is evil.

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