Chapter 35

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Actually, it's not just Ding Xuan. There were also about ten others in the program who engaged in minor vote manipulation, and they were also exposed. However, except for Ding Xuan, all of them didn't dare manipulate the votes too aggressively on the night of the group formation, so they didn't get enough votes and sadly didn't make it.

While netizens were boiling with criticism, they couldn't help but express their confusion:

【This is the first time I've seen a program crew so bluntly slap themselves in the face.】

【Besides Ding Xuan, they've uncovered even more?】

【Is the program crew really this serious? Have they publicly disclosed all the details of how the manipulation was done? Unbelievable. The group debut night has already ended, so revealing this now, isn't even more humiliating?】

【Wow, the unwritten rules of this industry have been directly exposed. I didn't expect the program team to be so strict.】

Ding Xuan put down her phone, trembling with anger. "The program team gave me a kick, and they still want to maintain a good reputation? Dream on! The list of group members has already been announced..."

The manager sighed as he lit a cigarette. "Did you call Mr. Li?"

The "Mr. Li" he mentioned referred to the president of Lion King Entertainment. Ding Xuan had been pursued by Mr. Li since she was still in school.

"I did. But I got no answer..." At this point, Ding Xuan couldn't help but get angry: "Can't anyone answer the phone? Is it just for decoration?"

The manager sighed lightly and said, "It's best for you to voluntarily withdraw from the group now. Then you can shift the blame onto the management team... We've discussed it, and this is the best solution. It will be very embarrassing if the program notifies you to withdraw."

Ding Xuan naturally didn't believe it: "Is the program team crazy? Aren't they afraid of being questioned? Is everyone on the program team stupid? Otherwise, what benefits are there to exposing themselves like this?"

She said, "I'm not going to withdraw from the group on my own..."

The manager hesitated for a moment. "I heard something from someone, but it may not be necessarily accurate. They told me that the program team conducted a self-investigation because of the words from the top boss..."

"What top boss?" Ding Xuan was stunned.

"Mr. Cheng from Cheng's Corporation."

Ding Xuan was dumbfounded.

After a while, she suddenly realized with anger, "Dong Jiayu deceived me so that she could deal with Jiang Su! She's full of lies! It's clearly Jiang Su who's Mr. Cheng's favorite!"

"It's over for me now." Ding Xuan's throat tightened, almost afraid to recall the appearance of Mr. Cheng that day. He was handsome, but also intimidating. "I'm finished."

"I heard Mr. Li mention Cheng Yue before. He's someone who can't be offended. Once offended, he won't go easy... Just like Dong Jiayu's fate." Ding Xuan murmured.

When she heard it before, she was just an outsider, and listening to it made her feel somewhat envious. The desire for power has always existed in human psychology.

But when she was involved herself, all that was left was fear.

Ding Xuan trembled as she picked up her phone, almost dialing the wrong number. She called the program team.

Half an hour later.

Ding Xuan and the program team issued statements simultaneously: Ding Xuan withdrew from the group and suspended work for three months.

After I Became a Weak Girl, I Made My Debutحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن