Chapter 17

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The Cheng family has its own private hospital and biomedical laboratory, in which they invest hundreds of millions of yuan annually to maintain them.

Cheng Yue was promptly taken to the Cheng family's hospital, where experts rushed in, drew blood, and conducted tests.

The chocolate ball in his mouth that hadn't completely melted was also removed.

The doctor asked with concern, "Do you feel any discomfort?"

Cheng Yue lifted his eyelids, "None."

It was quite infuriating.

He couldn't peel the skin off the little dinosaur.

"The outside is chocolate, but there are some herbal ingredients inside. Currently, it seems harmless to the human body... It's just a strange mix; I've never seen such a chaotic blend of ingredients."

Cheng Yue's expression darkened. "I understand."

Because the other party used plush paws to knead the chocolate ball, which was stuffed into Cheng Yue's mouth, and he even eaten it. There was no chance of detecting any other clues.

This was clearly a premeditated act—stuffing chocolate balls into his mouth.

Even with Cheng Yue's somewhat abnormal thought process, he couldn't quite figure out what the other party was up to.

But that wasn't the most ironic part. The most ironic part was that just a little dinosaur managed to knock down all the bodyguards he hired with a hefty sum of money.

It really was everyone's fault that thing managed to capture him.

At this moment, a bodyguard pushed the door open, his face ashen, as if he had suffered some devastating blow.

"Sir, we checked, and that location happened to be out of the surveillance camera's view..."

The doctor on the side interjected, "What about checking the costume?"

The bodyguard shook his head and said, "It's a style distributed nationwide, commonly seen in bustling malls and amusement parks. If we could get the number and manufacturer information of the one worn that day, we could investigate, but we only glanced at it hastily, and it was gone."

"Well, there's nothing we can do then." The doctor sighed. Even he felt that this matter was quite unbelievable. Someone actually dared to act so recklessly on Mr. Cheng's turf!

Cheng Yue remained silent with a stern face.

The room fell silent, and no one dared to speak again, fearing it would only worsen Cheng Yue's mood.

"Screen the surveillance along the route." After a while, Cheng Yue's voice rang out, "I don't believe that person can evade all surveillance."


"Make a call to Zhao Boang." Cheng Yue sneered coldly, "He's eager for an opportunity to be of service."


Cheng Yue's gaze then turned to the bodyguard. "Couldn't handle it?"

The bodyguard was drenched in cold sweat and trembling, unable to utter a word of defense.

Cheng Yue stood up and walked briskly towards the door.

The doctor voiced his concern from behind: "Actually, for safety's sake, you'd better have your stomach washed."

Half an hour later, Cheng Yue straightened his collar and emerged.

Aside from a slight wrinkle at the collar, he still looked immaculate. Except for the paleness of his complexion, the gloom between his brows seemed even more pronounced.

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