Chapter 8

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Wan Yue's heart was beating wildly.

But music is a very magical thing. Even if the language is different or the culture is different, you will always feel something when you hear it.

Wan Yue was no exception.

Her heartbeat, following the suona's melody, rose and reached its peak, at which point Wan Yue almost felt like her heart was going to tear apart. But then the melody slowly descended, and Wan Yue's panic, turmoil, and anxiety were all soothed away.

When Jiang Su finished playing the suona, she bowed gracefully.

Wan Yue, as if finally coming to her senses, along with Yu Xinyan, also curtsied gracefully and stepped aside, drawing a dignified end to the performance.

【Ah, I can only say one word: amazing.】

【Wan Yue is finally online...】

【I really admire it. With Jiang Su saving the day like that, I actually feel like it was a complete performance.】

【Suona is forever divine!】

The barrage filled the screen densely, even more lively than when Lin Sifeng's group danced to a girl group's song just now.

Inside the studio, Zhao Qiuying suppressed the complex emotions in his eyes, holding onto the microphone in front of him and saying softly, "Very good."

Xuan Wen quickly followed, "Indeed, the first half was done by you, and the second half was done by you as well." Xuan Wen's gaze lightly swept over Jiang Su. "It's barely considered teamwork."

Another mentor immediately pressed down on the microphone in front of him, his expression much more excited. "Have you professionally studied music? You performed very well on the spot. Wasn't that last melody from the song 'Faith'? You managed to seamlessly connect it with the previous part and even transformed the soft and gentle song into something entirely different. That's not an easy thing to do. Can you play anything else? Can you play another piece?"

Having said this, he paused again.

He looked at the girl at the front of the stage, her face illuminated by the light, so pale that it seemed a bit excessive, as if her performance just now had drained her energy.

"Forget it," he smiled gently. "You've been great. Take a rest. I'll give you an A."

As soon as he said this, the barrage exploded.

【Wow, just playing a suona, is she really that impressive? But the praise feels so genuine!】

【That's the first A today?】

Ye Lianna was the last to speak. She was a mixed-race beauty who had spent five years in a girl group and three years living in Country M. She had really been to prestigious music award ceremonies and had received nominations.

With a heavy accent, she said, "In my line of work, the most common thing I've heard is that you must have faith. No one is born with the ability to perform everything perfectly, but if you lack faith, standing on this shining stage, not only will you fail to gain glory, but you will also shrink back and fail to convey charm to the audience."

Ye Lianna's fans listened quietly, tears streaming down their faces.

But there were more question marks on the barrage.

【??? I actually don't understand.】

【But isn't this evaluation too gentle?】

When Ye Lianna said this, her tone changed: "You are the most determined person I've ever met. It seems like you're confident you can do anything..."

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