Chapter 21.2: The Die Is Cast

Start from the beginning

Texas immediately spoke up being a high ranking USEC and knowing when a person of a nationality unlike the usual ones showed up in the organisation.

"Well there were a lot of Americans, British too, some Australians who were blood thirsty sociopaths, Canadians, kiwis, then basically most NATO countries, then the 2 Japanese, some Koreans from the south, a Mexican, couple Latin Americans I think they were Ecuadorian or Argentinians, a Singaporean surprisingly, got some other south east asians, Israelis, south-"

"Your telling me that there were Israelis serving with south east asians? That were possibly Muslim?" Akula mentioned the seeming unlikely clash of 2 groups that would rip each others throats out working together in a organisation like USEC.

"Yeah, Malaysian and Israeli guy kept on trying to kill each other I heard. I think the Israeli was sent back to the Congo to stop the fighting. Eh could've been worse, its not like Ukraine where the Muslims and Jews serving together there take videos with each other while under Russian shelling."

Everyone goes silent as what they had been waiting for all this time showed up, the sound of the aircraft they had heard in the distance just upscaled in volume when they first arrived here in remnant. The bullhead docked down into a open spot in the doc landing down and opening its bay. A multitude of voices started talking, majority unfamiliar except for one, it was that man, Roman Torchwick, the guy they had met first day in remnant, the guy that they had killed all of Junior's men to get to.

The men in the container stayed silent as best they could not even moving a inch of their muscles listening to Roman yell out demeaning orders at his subordinates like a political commissar. The 4 hiding men looked at each other, trying to determine if it was time to come out of hiding and begin the massacre. They weren't under no orders to arrest anyone this time so they could theoretically just put them all up against a wall and dispatch them just like that.

Roman and whoever he was on cahoots with stepped forward more, closer towards the crate the men were hiding in until they could just jump down onto them. All 4 nodded to each other, it was time they finally got some action. Texas rams the shipping container's door open, the twin doors swinging open to the max creating a large metal thud sound that echoed for miles. Everyone switched their guns safety off and stood at the entrance of the now open container. The sudden appearance of the armed men scared Roman and his subordinates sending a cold frosty chill down their spine.

It was finally revealed who Roman was working with...they had no damn clue but whoever they were their uniforms were utterly crap looking like a cult mixed in with a Ku Klux Klan white hoodes uniform. But they all had visible animal traits so they were at least faunus with the words white fang on some of their uniform, thats probably the name of the new group of criminals Roman is working with.

"Well well well, did you miss us?" Texas talks down to Roman who snarls at them knowing his chance for a stealthy contained operation has just been thrown out of the window. The white fang pull out various forms of weaponry, turning into a Mexican stand off. The 4 men jump down to the ground, guns trained on the opposing force. There looked to be a number of them with more in the back not knowing what was going on preoccupied with the motion of unloading dust.

"You again?! God these cops have to be f-" Roman's imminent monologue was interrupted by Floridaman blurting out a random phrase out of nowhere.

"You! You there with the sword!" He points to one of the white fang members who had his sword drawn incontinently. "Did you actually bring a sword to a gun fight?!" He demanded him to answer.

"Y-y-yes..." He stutters the first letter of the word as Floridaman laughs at him for his complete stupidity.

"Parry this you filthy casual."

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