Chapter 13: Lord of War

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"Uhhhhh Texas...? Him?!" Moron's eyes go wide, the picture of one of the most feared scav bosses in Tarkov on the projector just for everyone to see. The students were all confused, who was this man in heavy black armour with 3 stripes? "I got this from one of the arena guys, guy taking it gets shot and dies. Its a video not a image, play it when I tell you to." He whispered to Moron.

"Alright now this is a video here, it is a video of live actual combat. The man in the image you see may not be as flashy as some of the people you may fight but do not underestimate him. He is a ruthless animal who will hunt you down with no mercy just for the fun of it. I know I haven't taught you about combat yet but I want you to see the guy who is taking the video's response to fighting this man. You will see why my friend over here went into shock when seeing this guy."

Texas turns to Moron telling him to play the video, he presses the button and the video switches to a loading screen evidently indicating the image of killa was a thumbnail. The video begins to play, the students attention was captured by it immediately, finally something not dry like the deserts of Vacuo. The video itself was clearly taken by some sort of compact video camera on top of someone's head, its quality was impeccable being crisp and detailed. The video was being filmed in some soccer stadium which had clearly seen better days evident by the state of disarray it was in. The seating area had been converted into a elevated standing platform with metal panels scraped together from various sources such as corregated metal roof panels to shipping containers.

From a glance where the person taking this video was, the area where the soccer was to be happening had shipping containers, temporary construction buildings, concrete barrier, junk and more scatterer about as if it was a arena...

The man taking the video is seen clearing his gun pulling the bolt of his M4A1 back and fourth to see if it is clear then reloading it. "Shit times gonna go out!" He yells to another man taking cover across a open area behind a shipping container. They all were wearing different clothing and equipment but had a uniformed 2 bright vibrant blue armband on both their arms. Another man dressed in tactical gear comes up behind to the man that the cameraman had yelled to. "Yea, either we push or we die to clean up crew!" The camera man takes a peek out of his concrete wall cover, in the second before he is shot at by men in tactical gear wearing similarly vibrant red arm bands on both their arms they see several dead bodies in the area in between the 2 opposing sides.

The students started to realize this was no joke, this was truly some combat footage where people are going to die. The dead bodies were from both teams and some more that looked to be in random pieces of clothing holding assorted weapons. The very definition of rag tag.

"Hey!!! Hey!!!!" The cameraman tries to shout to the opposing team desperate for something to happen. He takes a glance to one of the large stadium television screens, on the screen was a timer at 34 seconds to 0 in the middle. On the left and right were the the numbers 4 and 3 atop blue and red backgrounds respectively reinforcing the idea this was a real life death match.

A voice boomed on the intercom radio system in a annoyed tone shouting a unknown language.

"Ай, что это за херня?! Еще 30 секунд до прибытия уборщика!"

"Oh god we're gonna die..." One of the blue armband man states.

"WE'RE GONNA DIE IF YOU KEEP THIS UP!!! FIGHT US ALREADY!!!" The cameraman shouts at the top of his lungs towards the enemy team. "Eat shit we're getting out of here! You coming or what?!" The members of the blue team look look each other, silently debating whether to join the enemy team on their jail break. "Fuck it let's join, better to work together than die to clean up crew alone!" One of the blue team members bolts across followed by the rest of the team hands up, weapons slung around their bodies.

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