Chapter 7: The withered silver rose of Texas

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"These people keep on babbling nonsense! Surely you can't entertain them!" Glynda Goodwitch, veteran huntress, assistant headmaster of beacon academy and head of the faculty department of said academy yelled at Ozpin. The 2 were in a observation room with a one way glass panel looking into a simple concrete room. Inside were the mercenaries stripped of their weapons and equipment having been forced to by the police, it sat in a locker within the room locked for their own safety in case of a security breach. Alongside Ozpin and Glynda was also a police officer on the verge of falling asleep somehow despite the arguing.

"I know but despite all their ramblings you've seen his eyes." Ozpin looks to the room staring at one of them, the one wearing a grey shaded jacket and green brush stroke camouflage pants leaning on a chair legs up on the table looking extremely disgruntled. "Even if the stuff about another world they are telling us is true, they said it themselves. 3 are mercenaries, 1 is a rogue soldier-"

"Miss Goodwitch." He stops her right in her protest.

"We have no choice, if we don't get them on our side then she will. Just trust me on the plan and I promise you it will benefit us all." She sighs in defeat and accepts nodding her head. Ozpin lifts his cane and signals to the sleepy police officer to open the electronic locks on the door. He presses some buttons on the control panel in front of his face and gives him the green light to enter. He walks in alone, the 4 men turn their attention to him, Glynda and the officer watching from the observation room. "Gentlemen." He greets them, giving each one a stare. "Oh look, another cyka has come to interrogate us!" The one in the striped shirt yells in a strange accent he had never heard before.

He ignores the scathing comment and produces one of the belongings of the group, some dog tags which were usually employed by huntsmen and atlesian soldiers for quick identification incase of death or injury. 5 dog tags in total were placed on the table, 2 different ones were attached together while the rest had 1 only. Upon seeing this the one Ozpin had singled out looks visibly angered, "you give that back right now you fuck!", he barked. "Now now, calm down, I will do so alongside all your other belongings. I understand your predicament very well actually." The statement catches their attention in just one fell swoop some lean in no longer in their laid back postures stiffening up. "How do you know...?" He asked intent on uncovering what he truly meant. "That is a story for another time, but I do understand truly about being a stranger in another land, several times over, my name is Ozpin, headmaster of beacon academy. I have a offer for you, I assume you are of military experience?"

"We're private military contractors, us 3, don't know about him though..." The man in the black checkered shirt responded nudging his head in the direction of the one wearing a off white jacket and dirty turquoise pants. "I was in the ministry of emergency situations, did some civil defence in tarkov before things went wrong and I got locked in. So civil defence turned desperate scavenger." He tosses his blue military cap onto the table, it had a logo in the front of a star in front of a tricolour red white and blue flag. On top was words in a unknown language and the bottom read EMERCOM. Ozpin didn't know what to say and just accepted it moving onto his next point. "In that case, I'm offering you a deal, all of you, to work as private military contractors teaching students at my academy."

Various tones of hmm and huh were let out by the men contemplating the offer.

"Do we get somewhere to stay and a salary? world our cash isn't valid here." The man in the sandstone jacket inquired.

"Why yes of course, shelter and a salary of 10,000 lien per month is provided for all faculty staff." Ozpin slides a set of papers onto the table in front of them, it was the documents needed to hire them. All it needed was a signature and they would be hired. For that he placed a black ball point pen beside it, "We will look over the terms and conditions then decide." Ozpin nods and gets up exiting the room to give them time to discuss. He returns to the observation room, the officer from before was already fast asleep and Glynda still had a disapproving look on her face arms folded.

"I know you don't like this but you know about the deal with the silver eyes."

"And what if it goes wrong? What if this backfires..." She grimmaces.

"Then I will take the responsibility."

Back inside Texas and the others are reading the terms and conditions. They were smarter than the normal person, actually reading the terms and conditions, fine print, extra details to make sure they don't get fucked in the ass later. Although the USEC employment paperwork did not do jack shit to stop the top brass from abandoning him and every other one of his colleagues inside Tarkov. "There's nothing. Its just a normal contract." Moron said reading the rows of black text back up and down over and over again. He throws his onto the table unable to understand if it is some sort of test or trick.

"So should we accept this?" A moment of silence, Texas moves to pick up the pen and signs the document. Everyone mutually came to the agreement to sign the paper seeing there was no choice nor any reason not to. One by one they did so and by the end the section that said Employee's signature was filled by 4. "That's your real name? Never expected you to be that." Floridaman comments staring at Texas' signature. "Shut up." He retorts and signals to the one way glass panel with a thumbs up. The door creaks open, it wasn't just Ozpin this time but also the woman who had entrapped them from before as well following behind. "Long time no see, you owe us a apology for that bubble of yours ya cunt!" Texas kicks his legs up onto the table before leaving back on his chair arms behind his head grinning from ear to ear while everyone else laughs on. She looked angered but chose not to let her intrusive thoughts win.

"Can we get our stuff now?" Moron asked eager to put this all behind them.

"Yes you may." The moment he said that everyone of them got up and made a beeline for the open door.

"Hey where's our shit?! We're getting outta here!" Yells one from the observation room. Inside they had not too kindly woken up the officer sleeping and made him open up the locker with all their belongings contained within. Already they had ransacked it checking if anything was lost. Ozpin walked up to Texas and extended his hand, "I hope this works out for both of us wonderfully." With half his gear on Texas shakes his hand. "I hope so too."

"If I may ask what are your names?"

"We don't use our real names. Mercenaries and all. Call me Texas."

"Um...Albright Mr Texas..."

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