› Six

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I took in a deep breath and let it out, trying my best to reduce the tension, although it did not work.

Although I did not know exactly what she might be feeling and although I did not know how exactly I was supposed to stop her from doing something that would make me have regrets in the future, I knew that there were certain things that she needed to hear.

Those words were not supposed to be sweet words of comfort that would mean nothing

"You might see yourself as a broken vase which can't be fixed...", I started off calmly.

Disturbing silence filled the room as I was about to tell my next few words.

"But I'm here to prove you wrong, Yun-Hee."

I took a tensed step forward and she took one back.

"Everyone have cracks and flaws... some are painted nicely to hide them... while some are painted badly while being in good shape."

I took a moment to see her reaction. I noticed that her breaths have become slower now.

"But something you have to realize is... they can be fixed... cracked vases can be coverd with clay, badl painted vases can be repainted... and... the broken ones... they have a chance to be molded again. It's upto the owners to decide."

I did not know what in the name of Halabooluloo I was preaching, but I was kind of releaved to realize that both of us were calming down. These words might have been meant for Yun-Hee... but, hearing myself say this, made me realize that... it's not to late to be molded again into a better shape. It's still not the end.

And I would not let it end... at least not like this.

The End ||A Kim Namjoon Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now