Sarah presented some paperwork to Jesse. He buried his concentration in them. Meanwhile, I continued admiring the secretary. Mr. James seemed to converse with Rosey in low tones. I wished I could read lips. She smiled and quickly continued noting something down. Jesse turned to me with a smile and whispered, "Jeffrey, this is good." I was curious, "what is?" Jesse continued, "So, this is the contract, and all the terms of operation are in our favor, and so is the pay!"

     He spread a page on the table and pointed out a specific section. I could not believe my eyes... the figures there were extraordinary. "So many commas Jesse" I whispered. He quickly kicked my foot and whispered back, "don't let them see your amazement." I had to pull myself together and keep my excitement to myself. All their conversations were distinct chatter now, my mind was already on the money. Suddenly, Rosey excused herself and stepped out quickly. Now my mind was back. Floating in the skies of wonder, I became inquisitive. "Why did she walk out? Why did she rush? Is it cause of me? Did I do something to hurt her feelings?" all this questions in my mind... or maybe I was just delusional, probably.

     I had to find out though, so I asked, "What's up with your secretary Mr. James?" He paused for a second then responded, "I'm not quite sure Mr. Jeffrey." He continued discussing with Sarah. I turned to Jesse and requested a moment of absence. "Oh! Man, same classic Jeffrey. Going after chicks." He understood my agenda. But for the record, I just wanted to make sure she was alright, that's all. So, I gathered some courage and spoke, "Will you excuse me for a jiffy..." Sarah and James lifted their faces and Sarah responded, "Yeah, sure." James kept his eyes on me, I could feel his gaze on me as I tramped out.

     I had no idea where she could have been. All I remember was her dress, it was purple in color. That was a start, at least. I strolled down a hall but didn't know where I was heading. A woman was heading in my direction, so I had to ask her where I was headed. "Excuse me, miss. Where can I find the washrooms?" she replied, "Down the alley to your left". "Thank you" I continued wandering in that direction. As much as I was heading towards the washrooms, that was not my aim.

     I found the gents rooms and stepped in quick. Now since I am here, I might as well take a short call. Done... I was at the sink when a lad treaded in and rushed into one of the loos. He seemed friendly, so I saw this as an opportunity to find Rosey. He took a considerable amount of time in there. This was starting to feel awkward because I had stalled there for long enough, I had nothing else to do. He was finally done with his business. His eyes were abnormally red. Well, I couldn't care less about his eyes. I was a man on a mission and time was not on my side.

"Hey what's up" I spoke.

"Hi." He responded.

"So, you work here?" I continued.

"Yeah! Don't you?" He asked.

"Well, nope. At least not yet. So, my name is Jeffrey, I have a meeting with Mr. James Crooks."

"Oh, he is my boss. He's a cool guy. There is totally no need to be anxious, if that's what you are asking."

"Yeah? Well thank you. Mr....?"

"Oh, shoot! I forgot to tell you my name. Well, call me Fred. I am in editorials."

"Nice to meet you, Fred. Quick question, where can I find Mr. James' office?"

He paused for a second then responded, "Go up two floors and follow the executive alley, the furthest room on your right. You won't miss it."

"Thank you, Fred." I quickly left the washrooms.

     I rushed up the stairs and was welcomed by an atmosphere different from that downstairs. This was really the executive floor. It actually felt that way. Everyone was quiet but so busy. The doors were shut but you could see inside through the adjacent windows where the curtains were up. Each office had so much activity, or maybe more of keyboards clicking. But no sound. Very mild and inaudible conversations too. Towards the furthest I saw a door, the door to the largest office in this whole organization. This door had a label on it. 'James Crooks, PhD. Chief Executive Officer.'

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