Chapter 2

597 17 6

22 years before the canon

Location: Unknown

Standing above the planet of Remnant/Earth, two beings can be seen. One made of light, the other made of darkness. They stand on the void as if they are standing on solid ground. There, they look down on the planet below their feet.

???(1): It would seem that this planet still continues to be a failure, brother.

???(2): So, it would seem. The woman is still desiring to end us and the man is still not doing anything to unite our creations.

The two brothers said to one another. They then heard a voice that they had never heard before.

???(3): That's because your actions are the reason they are failures.

???(1): Who's there?

Soon, a being with pure white wings and gold-and-white armor appeared out of a portal. By its characteristics, it looks like a male.

???(1): Who are you?

???(3): My name is not yours to learn, but I am simply 'His' messenger. And 'He' is my 'Lord'.

They got the two being to look at each other before looking back at their 'visitor'.

???(2): Who's 'He'?

Messenger: One whose power and benevolence far exceed yours. Even your 'creator'.

The being then walked past them and looked at the planet.

Messenger: This planet was once 'His'. It was one of his 'greatest' creations. And now you've claimed it as if it was your playground.

???(2): If your 'lord' cared so much for this planet, 'he' shouldn't have abandoned it.

The Messenger then turned to him in silent fury. Albeit not showing it, the two felt his fury to be suffocating.

Messenger: Watch your 'tone', god of darkness. For one utter of 'His' mouth and your existence will cease.

The being now known as the god of darkness could not help but feel fear. He, a being beyond mortals is feeling fear. Soon, the suffocating fury ceased allowing them reprieve.

Messenger: My 'Lord' has never abandoned this world. He 'never' did.

The Messenger then swiped his hand at the world. Once he did, it showed a land that they had never seen. They can even see beyond the planet, 'lights' that were far brighter than theirs.

???(1): What is this?

Messenger: These are my 'Lord's' creations. Even though they have nearly destroyed this world, 'He' never abandoned them, god of light.

The Messenger said to the last being now known as the god of light.

Messenger: Unlike you, 'brother gods' who ruled like children. Squabbling with each other and treating your creations as toys to play with. My 'Lord' allowed them to grow on their own. Even though they destroy themselves in the process, they grow nonetheless.

The Messenger then turned to face them.

Messenger: That is why my 'Lord' has proposed a wager between you two.

The god of light and the god of darkness looked at each other before facing the Messenger.

god of light: What is it?

Messenger: My 'Lord' has grown tired of your games hence the wager. If 'He' wins, you are to remove the curse of the poor soul that has become corrupted because of it, the Thief of Bodies returned to death, the relics you left taken away for they corrupt those who use it, and return to whence you came.

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