Cautiously walking up to the surging water, I let in a deep breath and walk through the heavy pattering water fall as it slap over my body. It drifted on my shoulders heavily and with a sharp exhale, I made it pass the waterfall and immediately shivered as a gush of wind pick up from my exit.

I look around the area, noticing that on either side of me, various huts stretches across on both sides.

They lacked lights and was filled with silence, I couldn't see much but I knew based on the strong architecture of these huts, they were built to withstand natural disasters.

I was just a few steps behind Aureliano and as I walk silently behind him, the ground shook as I gaze up at the night stary skies which had an orange glow of fire, flying back and forth.

It flickers across the air as the sound of guitars and the loud striking of hand clapping, strings along with the playing of drums which intertwine into the night air beautifully.

The sound was so mesmerizing that the strong need to absorb what they were doing, hasten my steps.

As I continued to walk behind him, I stop as a group of women lower their head in respect to Aureliano as he walked up to them.

They stop and parted ways for him to pass, I knew they were coming this way so I look around the area for a place to hide, tilt my head up and notice that a line of clothes was hanging right above my head.

I quickly slipped off a clothing, rush to the side of the hut that was right beside me and change into the spaghetti strap brown, side slit dress which was backless and had a tie at the back.

I folded my clothes and left it there on the ground. I let out my braided hair from it's bun to hide my face and step around the corner as the group of girls past me with giggles and chattering.

They were in the same exact dress as the one I had on and I wondered if this was their every day clothing.

I search the area for Aureliano and realize that I lost him during my changing...something I knew would happen.

Deciding to follow the sound of the loud music which was playing ahead, I walk passed multiple groups of people who were laughing and talking amongst themselves, they looked so peaceful that it eased the atmosphere.

It brough forth a unconscious smile as I came right into the square of the tribe, where I paused, surrounded by a large crowd as they watch a group of women who were dancing right into the middle of the square.

Dust glittered in the air with their steps as a few men flew fires into the sky and fell in step with the women.

Each stomps of their feet and clap of their hands and shouts, shook the earth that I felt it under my feet.

I search the crowd for Aureliano but I didn't find him, I looked behind the dancing women and saw a man seated on a chair, he has thick brown curly and gray hair which curled down on his large shoulders.

He was also shirtless as with the rest of men who I notice were also shirtless.

I'm guessing this is the chief of the tribe....

He had a black raven bird sitting on his shoulder, his pose was filled with dominance as he widens his thighs and chatted with a man standing beside him.

The man beside him had black long hair which was snatched up into a man bun, both sides of his head was shaved with a neat cut running through his right eyebrow.

He had pale skin and was strapped with thick muscles, his large chest widen in an air of danger as he folded his bulging arms. A neat trimmed of black hair dusted across his define cheekbones, with a horizontal tattoo embedded into the side of his neck.

With a pair of dark gray and dark green heterochromia eyes, he scanned the crowed, he had an air about him that scream warrior, he was just the same height as Aureliano and I wondered if the man he was standing beside was his father.

He nods his head with every word to what the man in the chair was saying, and scan his eyes through the crowd.

It paused on me for a minute and I held the man's gaze, making sure that I covered myself in much darkness because I didn't want to stand out, Aureliano said that these people hate outsiders and I wasn't about to cause a scene.

I was only here for curiosity, wondering what and who they were.

What stood out to me was the fact that the men and women were naturally taller in height than the average man and woman and this right here could give me away so I took couple steps backwards, hiding behind a garbage bin as the ground continued to shake from the music.

A loud horn was echoed into the night as I bend down behind the bin, I craned my neck around the bin to see that the crowd had created a large space which made it it easier for me to see what was happening up front.

The black haired man stood before the profusion and as the crowd settles down, he cleared his throat.

"Everyone make silence for Chief Mato Cpachie, he's here with some very important announcements." His deep voice flowed across the area in command.

I narrowed my eyes as the man in the chair stood, he was muscular and thick with veins and I wondered where did these men came from, they were all muscular compact...

"Thank you all for coming out tonight, you might be wondering why the music was suddenly cut off but that reason will be spoken in a few minutes. As you all know, Aurelo Cpachie had proved himself to us in strengths, leadership style and intelligence. He has proved to us as the Cpachie tribe what it is to carry on what our ancestors teaches and that is having a spirt of humbleness towards one another. I have served you well for the past hundred years.."

Hundred years?

"And as such, I am proud and without regret to pass on this power to my son, Aurelo Cpachie."

As he said this the crowd roared with shouts, fire flew into the skies as I halted my breath, watching as Aureliano walk up to the chief, the orange glints from the fire, shadowed across his wide shoulders as he stand before the elder Chief with his back turned to the crowd, he knelt down on one knee and lowered his head in respect as the chief stared down at him with a soft smile as the earth shook with the crowds loud rejoicing.

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