Jealous (Leighton Murray)

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REQUEST: Leighton gets jealous of what's hers (you)

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REQUEST: Leighton gets jealous of what's hers (you).


Y/n and Leighton started going out a few months ago, by going out I mean they've been acting like a couple without the oficial dating title.

After Leighton came out, every girl on campus was pretty much in love with her. But she only had eyes on the girl that wasn't that impressed with her charm, Y/n.

Not that Y/n didn't like Leighton, the other way around actually, she thought Leighton was extremely atrractive and cool. But so did all the other gay girls on campus, therefore Y/n decided to not chase after the girl everyone wanted.

One day, at a party, Leighton gathered enough courage to go talk to Y/n, ignoring all the other girls, which surprised Y/n and she decided to give it a shot.

Y/n and Leighton kept on talking, and they realised they have quite a lot of things in common, so, they eventually decided to go on a date.

One date that turned into a few more, and now the girls are dearly interested in each other, and don't want to be apart.

Everybody thought they were dating, they even acted like a couple.
The way Leighton would patiently wait for Y/n after class, for them to walk to lunch together. They would even have to be together to fall asleep, which annoyed their rommates.

They were pretty much in a relationship, and even if it wasn't oficial, everyone knew to not get between them.

There were obviously some small fights, and one of the arguments most used was the fact that they weren't dating, still no one made an effort of asking out the other since even they assumed to be a couple.

Everything was fine though, until a new boy entered the school.

It wouldn't be an issue, but he was on most of Y/n's classes and Leighton had a bad feeling about him.

Leighton was certain he was trying to get with Y/n, and her girl didn't even notice it, so it definitely frustrated her.

Currently, Leighton was sitting on a bench, waiting for Y/n to leave class, for them to go meet their friends at lunch together. She's scrolling through her phone to distract herself.

"Hey, baby!" Leighton hears after a while, recognising the voice, she immediately looks up with a smile, dropping whatever she was doing.

"Hi, my love," Leighton answers, getting up to kiss her girl on the cheek, causing a small blush to appear on Y/n's face, her stomach doing flips.

"Let's go." Leighton continues, grabbing onto Y/n's hand, as Y/n interlaces their fingers.

But before they start walking, Y/n's called back by Ryan, the boy that Leighton didn't like. "Hey, Y/n, wait!"

Reneé Rapp (IMAGINES)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora