The female vampire fled with lightning speed after she noticed that she was left alone.

Jared got up and wanted to follow her, but he stopped and turned back to me, saying in an angry voice:

“Why did you go out alone, you idiot? You almost died.”

I didn't say anything; I just cried. He approached me and hugged me tightly, then kissed my forehead, my cheek, and finally my lips. Looking at me, he said:

"I was afraid that you would die. I finally felt fear. I heard you screaming, calling my name. I went out looking for you like crazy, and it was difficult to find you without your scent. I was afraid that I would not reach you in time.”

I said:

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone out alone."

He took my hand and said seriously:

"We have to leave this place quickly. The female vampire might summon more of them."

What more of them, and we will inevitably perish.

He grabbed my hand, intending to run using his vampire speed, but he couldn't. He was in pain, holding his chest. I noticed and anxiously asked:

"Are you Okay?"

He straightened his stance and replied:

“I'm fine, but there are splinters of the tree stump inside me, close to my heart, and it hurts.”

We walked back home, and I was scared, clinging to him while he anxiously watched the clouds that were blocking the sun.

We returned home safely, then immediately he said:

“We are leaving, pack your bags... but before anything, bring me a bottle of blood.”

I ran to the refrigerator, took a bottle of blood, and brought it to him.

I was surprised by what he was doing. He was standing in front of the mirror, his chest cut open with a scalpel, clearly in great pain.

In fear, I asked, "What are you doing?"

He replied through gritted teeth:

“I'm performing surgery on myself. Don't worry, it's not as bad as it seems.”

I watched as he removed the remains of wood from his chest, feeling guilty that this happened because of me. He inserted his hand into his chest, enduring the pain as he pulled out the splinters. After finishing, he sat on the chair. I observed his chest slowly recovering and returning to its previous state, covered with skin. Astonished, I said:

"You are amazing, magical creatures."

He drank a large amount of blood from the bottle, almost half of the two-liter bottle, then got up and said, "Let's leave here."

I offered to get the luggage, but he insisted, “No... don't bring anything. We have to leave now.”

He took the car key and put on a clean shirt, even though he was dirty and stained with his blood and the blood of those creatures.
I asked:

“What were those creatures?? They don’t look like you, they’re distorted?”

He explained:

“They are homeless, savage vampires, the scum of our kind. They feed on anything that moves, animals, frogs, anything, which is why they are deformed and weaker than us.”

I remarked:

"I noticed that... you could have been one of them if you hadn't controlled your hunger?"

He admitted:

“Yes, that's true, but fortunately for me, Jayden found me and brought me back to my senses.”

He went out to the car, and I followed him, noticing him looking around as if he heard something I didn't.

He commanded:

“Irene, go back inside and close the door.”

I I obeyed, returning inside and closing the door, watching him from the window. He was examining the car's wheels, then I saw his anger as he kicked the car before returning inside.

Anxiously, I asked:

"What's wrong?"

He explained:

“Damn it, the female vampire followed us here. She damaged the car's wheels. They want to detain us here.”

Fearful, I asked:

"Can you defeat her, right?"

He assured:

“She's alone now, but I'm sure she'll bring more of her group. That's why she followed us here and sabotaged the wheels. They want you, Irene.”

Afraid, I pleaded:

“You won't let them take me, right?”

He promised:

“You stay here, and I'll go out to find her before she escapes or brings her group… ”

Clinging to him, I begged:

"No, please, don't go anywhere. Maybe she's waiting for you to go out. Please don't leave me alone."

He comforted:

“Irene, don’t be afraid. I will never let them take you.”

After a moment of thought, he grabbed his phone.

I inquired:

"What are you going to do?"

He replied:

"I'll call Jayden. He'll come to our rescue."

He seemed nervous as he waited for Jayden’s response. Then, he exclaimed:

“Damn it, there's no signal due to the weather conditions.”

Anxiously, I asked:

"What do we do now?"

He sat down nearby and said:

“I'll send him a message, hoping he'll receive it.”

After sending the message to Jayden, he take out a pistol and silver bullets from a safe.

I questioned:

"Silver kills vampires. What else can kill them?"

He revealed a cloth bag:

"Wooden stakes, but they must pierce straight through the heart."

Placing the pistol and wooden stakes on the table, he continued trying to contact his brother and sent more messages.

As time passed slowly and calmly, the sun set, darkness fell, and nothing happened. I lay on the couch, resting my head on his thigh, while he alternated between checking his phone and gently playing with my hair.

Eventually, I drifted off to sleep. Suddenly, I felt him move my head away and get up, heading to the balcony.

I watched him in fear then he turns to me and said:

"Irene, they're here."

I frowned:


He grabbed the weapon and said:

"The savage vampires."

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