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Peter's POV

We all had eaten lunch and had 1 hour to relax and chill in our dorms.

Peter- "Hey, Ned! I'm going to the penthouse. Will tell Mr. Harrington before going. See ya!

Ned- "Sure, have fun. Remember to come to the terrace!"

I nodded and informed Mr. Harrington about me visiting my parents before the terrace tour. He allowed me, considering what my situation currently was, what else could he have said! Anyway, I went to the penthouse and saw Clint and Nat watching a movie, sitting on a couch. I decided to join them but immediately remembered that I had to complete my Iron Spider Suit upgrades.

Peter- "Hey, do you know where is Dad?"

Nat- "Not sure. Ask FRIDAY."

Peter- "FRIDAY, do you know where Dad is?"

FRIDAY- "Mr. Stark is in his lab."

Peter- "K, thanks!"

Clint- "Hey, Pete! You doing something tonight?"

Peter- "No, why?"

Clint- "We were thinking of doing a movie night today. Just you, me, Nat and Wanda. What do you say?"

Movie nights of all four of us were always the best. We got to ate so much junk food and watch movies the whole night.

Peter- "I'm in. But I'll be free after 10. Because of the tour, y'know."

Nat and Clint nodded and I went to Dad's lab. I entered the lab and startled Dad.

Peter- "Hey, what are you doing?"

Tony- "Hey kid! Oh, I'm just upgrading my suit. Why are you here? Don't you have a tour?"

Peter- "Yeah, but we got an hour to relax in our dorms and I was bored so came here."

Tony- "You need to chill! Go back to your room! NOW!"

Dad was basically kicking me out of the lab. He pushed me gently and forced me to go back to the dorm. So, I went back and dropped on my bed. After just a few minutes, I felt my eyes close and soon, I was asleep. After 30 minutes, what honestly felt like 5 minutes, Ned woke me up saying that they had to go to the terrace.

I got up and got ready for the terrace tour. We gathered in the hall near our dorms and Ava came in.

Ava- "Hey guys. So, let's go to the terrace now!"

Everyone cheered and followed Ava. Me and MJ were at the back, holding hands and waiting for our time at the terrace to begin. We reached the terrace in a few minutes and opened the door that led to the terrace. Everyone went through the door and was mesmerized by the sunset view from there. Me and MJ were the last to enter and were looking in awe at the view. It was amazing! Everyone scattered here and there since it was a really big space. MJ and I headed towards the border of the terrace, where there was a strong fence to prevent people from falling. It was a 70-storey building. If anyone fell, they would have been injured really badly. LIKE AMOST DEATH INJURIES!

We went to the fence and MJ faced me with a big smile on her face, keeping her back towards the strong fence. She kept walking towards the border backwards, to see the view close-up. I approached her to hold her hand while looking at the sunset. But, just then, SHE STUMBLED UPON THE FENCE AND FELL!

I screamed "MJ!" as loud as I could, attracting all the people towards me. I hesitated, wondering what to do. I knew what I had to do but I hesitated. I hesitated to save my girlfriend! Everyone was staring at me, wondering what I would do now. I did what I had to do. I JUMPED OFF THE TERRACE!

A Trip to the TowerWhere stories live. Discover now