A crazy day

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Peter's POV

I was returning to my dorm in the morning from the penthouse in my pyjamas. That is when I saw Flash, seeing me in my pyjamas with astonishment.

Flash- "What were you doing there?"

Peter- "Nothing. Mr. Stark had called me for some work."

Tony- "Hey Petey, you want breakfast?"

Peter- "No Mr. Stark but thank you for the generous offer!"

Tony- (coming outside to where Peter is) "Why aren't you calling me Dad?"

Dad's face was shocked when he saw Flash standing there. Flash yelled, "AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Calling all the people in the lower floors towards our direction. Everyone came running towards the source of the voice.


Everybody saw me in my pyjamas coming out of the penthouse and Dad behind me.

Flash- "He-he i-i-is...TONY STARK'S SON!!!!"

Everybody was shocked. I just ran away from there. Dad ran away back into the penthouse.

MJ ran after me while everybody else was just standing there, in shock. Ned handled things with the crowd while MJ and I hid in the storage closet.


MJ- "No, nothing is bad. Just calm down. Relax!"

Peter- "How can I relax in a situation like this!"

MJ hugged me and patted me on the back while tears started falling down my eyes.

Peter- "My whole life is ruined! Nothing will stay the same now!"

MJ- "No, it is not. You still have me and Ned, don't you?!"

At that moment, we heard someone open the closet door. We were still in a hug when we heard someone.


We both were shocked and again the crowd followed Flash. Well, this had to be out sometime but why now!! I again ran to my dorm. I sat on my bed and cleared my mind. After calming down, I took a bath and changed my clothes. It had been an hour since all the chaos reigned. After I came out of my dorm, I was swarmed with questions. So, we had a proper class press conference with MJ.

Cindy- "When did he adopt you?"

Peter- "When my aunt died in a car accident. That was a few years ago."

Betty- "Since when have you two been dating?"

Peter and MJ- "A year."

Everyone was shocked that we were able to keep secrets for years now. However, the Avengers still didn't know about me and MJ dating.

The Q&A ended and we finally continued with the tour.

Peter (to all his classmates)- "Guys, can you please not tell this to the Avengers?"

Everyone nodded in agreement. EVEN FLASH!! They were probably scared that I would get them kicked out if they didn't agree with me.

We continued with the tour. Well, there was one good thing. I was able to hold MJ's hand in public now without any worries.


This morning had been crazy. What we all needed was some food. So, after a while, we sat at the breakfast table. Me and Peter sat together. It felt so good to finally reveal our secret to the world.

Me and Peter held hands at the table. After breakfast, we kept our plates near the disposal area and sat back at the table. Peter kissed my forehead after which we hugged each other. Everybody went all 'OOOOHHHHH' when that happened.

Suddenly, Wanda entered the room. She came near our table and sat with us.

Wanda- "Hey guys, I heard about today. You fine Pete?"

Peter- "Yeah W. I am as fine as I can be right now."

Everyone heard Peter say Wanda by her nickname, 'W', and were not shocked at the time. Well, he is Tony's son. He obviously knows the Avengers. But they were looking at us. Maybe they weren't used to the idea yet. Wanda soon went out after talking for some time and as soon as she left, everyone started staring at Peter and me. STILL!

We all finished with breakfast and then Ava came in. We continued with the tour.

Author's Note

TWIST! I really like this chapter. A lot of exposing and stuff. Hope you liked it! I'm really glad I'm able to update more nowadays. Will post the next chapter soon!

- Scarlett

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