The Tour Continued...

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Peter's POV

So, after breakfast, we went to the Labs and saw Dad doing something with beakers and chemicals. Everyone felt awkward, especially me and MJ.

Tony- "Hello everyone! What happened? Why the weird looks?"

Flash- "No offense Mr. Stark, but what happened today morning has still got us shocked. We didn't know anything about it!"

Tony- "Oh, so it's that! Mm, okay. Peter, come here."

Peter- (looking confused) "Sure thing, Mr. Stark."

Tony- "Oh come on, drop the act, Pete."

Peter- "Ok fine."

Tony- "So, this is a formal declaration. Yes, Peter is my son!"

Everyone was shocked once again. Dad gave me a little side hug, comforting me a bit. It felt like reliving the whole morning again.

Tony- (to Peter) "So you gonna help me with this or what?"

Peter- "Sure why not!"

Tony- "Everybody, feel free to look around and do some experiments but don't spill or touch anything with bare hands. Please don't hurt yourself."

Me and Dad started doing some experiments regarding a new weapon formula. After a lot of research, it finally worked!

Peter- "Dad, it finally worked!"

Tony- "I knew it! You did it, Petey!"

Me and Dad high-fived each other. Everyone stared at me when I let 'Dad' slip out of my mouth and Dad called me by my nickname.

Peter- "See, guys, don't feel weird. I'm just gonna call my dad as Dad. The truth is out anyway."

Dad looked proud of me for accepting the truth. FINALLY!


I'm so proud of Pete. He finally accepted the truth.

After a while, we moved on with the tour and reached the training centre of the Avengers. There were Natasha, Clint and Steve.

Nat- "Hey guys. Hi Pete!"

Steve- "Oh hey everybody! Hi kid."

Clint- "Welcome to the training centre of the Avengers, everybody."

Ava- "So guys, you can train with the Avengers in the centre for exactly 2 hours from now. I'll be back after 2 hours and then we'll go to the dinner with the team."

All- "Kay!"

Peter's POV

Well, why not go with the flow?! So, we started training. I went up to the dumbbells and did some pull-ups after. After a while, we saw the trio in the gym gathering everyone around.

Nat- "So, we're going to give you all a special training today, okay?"

Everyone cheered.

Steve- "So me and Nat will show you how to spar and then maybe you can try!"

Steve and Nat started sparring. They were circling each other for a few minutes. Steve started the attack by punching Nat in the stomach. She dodged it and instead, punched his leg. After the distraction, she pushed him back and easily pinned him down. In a second, Steve got the energy to fight and escaped defeat by a few milliseconds. He kicked Nat in the stomach, throwing her to the ground. About to pin her down with his leg, Nat easily dodged the pin and attacked him. The fight continued for a while and finally, Nat won the spar.

Steve- "Ok, who's next?"

Nat- "Pete, why don't you spar?"

Peter- "Oh, uhm (looking at everybody and thinking that the truth is already out so why not do it), sure thing!"

Nat- "I'm not gonna take it easy on you kid."

Peter- "No need to."

I got ready to spar and we got into positions. Nat and I were circling for a few minutes, reading each other's faces about the time to attack. Nat started the attack by kicking me in the stomach. I dodged it which left her a little unbalanced. I took advantage of the situation and pushed her down to the mat, ready to pin her. But she avoided the pin and punched me in the face. I held her hand and pulled it to the side. She rolled, now almost pinning me. But I fought hard, did a flip, stood up and counter-attacked. Well, the training sessions with Dad did come in handy. Eventually, she punched me in the face, which I dodged, and fell to the ground. I turned her around and pinned her. Everyone looked in shock, staring at us, watching me pin down THE BLACK WIDOW.

Steve- "Wow, you got real talent kid!"

Peter- (while standing up, dusting off my hands) "Thanks, Steve!"

Nat- "It is fun to spar with you, as always. (whispered) But you embarrassed me, spidey."

Peter- (letting out a chuckle) "Wasn't gonna let you win, right?"

Everyone watched me as I drank water.

Ava- (breaking the silence) "Ok guys, so we have a meet and greet to attend to in exactly 1 hour. So go and freshen up!"

We all went to our dorms to take a shower and get ready. We had to meet Ava at the reception, again.

Author's Note

Hi guys, I almost forgot to post today. I wanted to do a little Peter and the Avengers in this chapter. And that the family can now freely have fun with each other in front of the tour group and not be formal with each other. Hope you had fun reading! Will publish the next part soon!

- Scarlett

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