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1. Peter Parker- Spiderman, nerd of the class

2. MJ- The bad girl vibes, rebel of the class

3. Ned- Peter's best friend, coder of the class, guy-in-the-chair

4. Betty- The pretty, perfect girl of the class

5. Flash- The bully, annoying person of the class

6. Morgan Stark- Tony and Pepper's daughter

7. The Avengers

Background story

After Aunt May died in a car crash, Tony Stark adopted Peter but nobody knows about it. Peter's real name is now Peter Stark but he uses Parker to get a normal life. Peter lives with the avengers now in the Avengers Tower. Only MJ and Ned know about it.

Ned and Betty are dating and everybody knows about it. MJ and Peter are also dating but they've kept it a secret. Nobody, even Ned and Betty, knows about them.

Only Ned and MJ know about Peter being Spiderman along with the Avengers.

Author's Note

Hi guys! This is my first time writing a book so hopefully you enjoy the book. I would really appreciate your support.

Also, I do not own the characters of the book and the cover of the book. If anyone thinks I have copied their plot, please ignore it. I have no intention of copying anyone and have thought of the plot myself. If, by accident, I have copied anyone, please ignore it.

I will write short chapters mostly but will upload more often. Lastly, if I have made any mistake while writing about the avengers or anything else, please ignore it. It may be due to my lack of knowledge about the avengers or not rechecking it. Please don't mind the grammatical errors either.

Wow, that's a lot of stuff to ignore. Anyways, hope you have fun while reading the book! I will upload the 1st chapter after sometime. And in this chapter I've given a basic intro and the background stories I've thought for them. Have fun!

- Scarlett

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