The Day has Come

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Peter's POV

Oh no. The day has come. The day my school life will hit rock bottom. As if I am famous already. How much worse can it be?! Everybody can find out that I am Tony Stark's son, and an avenger and dating MJ! Oh no, that is so much worse than I thought it could be. It would not only affect my life but also my girlfriend's! I walk out of my room to get breakfast. Today, I need food cause I'm full-out stressed!

Tony- "Hey, excited for the trip?"

Peter- "Yeah, if you want to believe that. Why do I even bother going to school today? I need to come back here anyways."

Tony- "Well, if you want your secret to be out then don't go!"

Pepper- "Come on, he is troubled as it is. Don't joke around right now!

Tony- "Ok, ok. Fine!"

Pepper- "Don't worry. The trip will be fine and you and your friends will have a lot of fun. Trust me."

Peter- "I hope so! You know, mom is better at calming people down when they are stressed. Dad is just making me more stressed today! I feel like he is going to pull off something."

Tony- "Just wait and watch, kid!"

Pepper- "I'll handle it, Pete. Just have fun!"

Mom hugged me as I was about to leave the penthouse and go to the bus. This time, I didn't miss the bus. Instead, I was early!


Oh god! I can't even imagine how stressed Peter must be right now. I should text him.



Hey, you alright?


Yeah, I'm alright. Just a little stressed.


I can understand. Meet you at school.

Love you!


Yeah, see you. Love you too!

Peter's POV

I reached school and saw the attendance being taken. I almost skipped the bus. However, I would have met them at the tower anyway.

Mr. Harrington- "So guys, I want everyone to be on their best behaviour. And please board the buses and try not to get lost there."

Everyone was excited except me and MJ. We knew what was going to happen. Surprisingly, Ned was eager too.

Ned- "Guys, I'm super psyched right now."

Peter- "Well, good for you! BUT WE ARE NOT!"

MJ- "Come on, let's sit at the back!"

We found a 2-seater at the back and me and MJ sit together while Betty and Ned sat together. I just stared out the window the whole time on the bus and MJ just read her book through the bus ride. We barely talked. It was a peaceful ride when Flash interrupted our peace.

Flash- "Hey Parker, what happened? You look pale. Afraid your lie might get out?

Peter- "Why don't you keep your mouth shut."


I could sense that Peter was tense. However, that stress would not go away till the trip was over. No matter how much I helped him calm himself down. So, I just did not talk to him. I let him think himself and figure these things out by himself. I thought that was the best thing to do.

After some time, a kid saw the Avengers Tower and started yelling about it, making Peter more tense than he was before. Everyone on the bus started getting excited while I was just feeling nervous. I wonder how Peter must have been feeling.

Peter's POV

I was feeling terrible! I was nervous, stressed, a little bit excited cause I had never seen the tower from a tour's point of view but that constituted very little of my feelings right now. I looked at MJ with the 'here we go' look and I sensed that she could understand what I meant. After we reached the tower, we started getting off the bus and my nervousness started growing as we grew closer to the tower. I could sense that something was about to happen. SOMETHING BAD!

Peter- "Well, the moment of truth!"

MJ- "Don't worry. Pepper did say that the trip would be fun, right? So, let's enjoy it!"

Peter- "Oh, I will enjoy it. Cause you're with me. But only if the team doesn't do anything. Which I'm pretty sure they will do something."

MJ- "Yeah, as per how much I know Tony, he will do something. But it doesn't have to be bad, does it!?"

Peter- "I hope not."

MJ- "Trust Pepper. If she said that she would handle it, then she would."

Peter- "Yeah, you know what. I'll try to forget about it and have fun the next 4 days. I want to spend my 1st vacation as a couple with you with joy. Not with worry."

MJ- "Yeah, me too."

We walked in with the rest of the group, awaiting the welcome. I felt as if my family, the Avengers, were planning something from the moment I entered the tower, to embarrass me.

Author's Note

So, guys, an early update. I just completed the chapter before Friday so thought to post today. It is a short chapter but hope you like it. Please ignore any mistakes. Have fun reading!

- Scarlett

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