“Uh hyung” Jungkook called, his voice pulling him out of his thoughts. He cocked his head to cast him a glance.

“When we are done with this, mind if we take Naeun and go have lunch?”

The older man blinked, taken aback by the demand. Jungkook took it for refusal and jumped to add, his hands flailing a little in the cramped space.

“It's Naeun you see, she liked it so much the other day that she has been asking me pretty much all the times to ask you out on little dates like that.” He rambled, red with on the ears. It made Jimin giggle as he could see right through the lie.

“Of course.”

Jungkook's boyish smile could've
light up the whole city.

Jungkook's boyish smile could'velight up the whole city

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They got out down the street in front of a well known building and watched for a second the car drive away. The lawyer gripped his briefcase with one hand the other deep in his pocket as he headed first into the building, Jungkook on his tow.

The single dad looked nervous as they passed the security and rode the elevator to the top floor.

Park jimin knew this place and what law firm occupied the three main floors because back when he's still a student he had interned there.

It was strange being back between these walls but he didn't let it show.

When he had first heard it was here their meeting would take place it had made sense. Lilith Firm was the best law firm in town and one of the best in the country. No wonder the Kim's had hired them to be their lawyers.

Some nice looking man showed
them into the meeting room
where the Kim's were waiting for them.

They greeted them icily and one of their lawyers gestured to them to take place which they didn't wait to be told twice to do. He set his briefcase down infront of him and pulled it open.

“Good morning and thank you
for agreeing to meet on this day.”

“Good morning too but we didn't
have much of a choice as the
letter sent to my client's apartment stated there'd pursuits if he refused to show.” He quipped with a tight smile. Mr Kim's gaze narrowed down at him as his wife's face twisted up with distaste.

“So please, let's cut to the chase.
My client has others pressing
matters that needed his attention.”

It seemed to do the trick because
Mrs Kim's cool mask crumbled
right before theirs eyes. The lawyer would've laughed if he could have. Instead he let his smile sharpened.

“What other pressing matters when he killed our daughter?” Yelled the older woman her face tight with anger and hatred that she directed to Jungkook. The younger man seemed unprepared for it and lowered his gaze. Jimin reached out to squeeze his hand.

“Do you have evidences?” he asked them, gaze drifting from the couple to theirs lawyers. He continued. “If yes, I suggested you forward them to prosecutions so that my client is put on trial. But if you have none so I suggest you refrain from laying baseless accusation at him or i will have no others choices that to sue you for diffamation and ask for compensation.” The words settled like a hammer inthe room and even the lawyers seemed to tense, slipping warning looks at theirs clients.

He went for the coup the grace, pulling out the copy he had printed of the autopsy report he had gotten from an acquantaince working at the mortuary. He knew the others hadn't taken a look at it yet as it wasn't available until a couple of hours. He set it down and slid it across the table.

“Here is the preliminary autopsy report of Mrs Kim Yuna.” He said ignoring the hiccup Mrs Kim let out at the words.

He tapped on the flimsy piece of paper with a finger.

“It clearly stated your daughter's death could've been accidental. The alcohol level in her blood was higher than usual and could mean that her senses were impaired at the time of the fatal incidence that led to death.” He recites outloud, having memorized it prior to the meeting.”

Mrs Kim and her husband burst into tears.

“So as you can see, my client as nothing to do with this.” He finished, slipping a look toward Jungkook a smile curving up his lips. The other man stared back, stunned in silence.

Minutes passed by without either parties saying a single word. Jimin didn't bother  to offer his condoleances to the grieving couple. It would have been dishonest. He hated the woman. He was only there for Jungkook.

The Kims recovered enough, eyes red as they dabbed the tears at the corners with tissues. They seemed to exchange words with theirs faces before they turned to stare at them once again. Its Mr Kim who spoke this time.

“We want custody of Naeun.”

A/N: We are at the half of this story. Let me know what you think in the comment.

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