chapter 25 : Nothing for show [Mollys POV]

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[Mollys POV]

Hey, it's been a while...and you still probably hate me for what I've done. Which, I get it.
I'd hate me too...
But what am I supposed to do? I finally got Simon back and telling him what I did..we'll never be friends again.


[February 10th, Friday]

Today's the big show that Simons art class worked on for a little while now. You can really tell everybody put lots of work and effort into it, including the actors.
It all looked so amazing!
What wasn't amazing was the amount of stress Simon and Ellie put onto me, why am I responsible for everything!!
The only reason I'm involved is because Simon didn't have anyone to dance with and asked me.
Apparently he was going to ask Nick first but wussed out, so I was his second choice, ugh.

I'm joking, I don't actually care about that stuff. I'm glad he felt comfortable telling me how it really is...and the fact that he likes Nick. Honestly he wasn't very good at hiding it though so I always knew.

"Mol can you help me hang this up?" Simon groaned as he struggled on the ladder, he didn't even take the time to look at me. He was dead focused.

"Yep! Coming!!" I replied as I hopped over to him, I carefully climbed up onto the other ladder and hung the ornaments onto the stage.
Once we climbed down, we got off the stage and walked down the stairs to get a better look from a far.
"It looks great guys, good job Mol!" Ellie grinned, Simon rolled his eyes.
"And Simon! The set couldn't have been this amazing without you and the art class!!" She continued before running backstage.

"It's like you wrote the play and created the whole set." Simon rolled his eyes again before the both of us shared a laugh.
"What can I say? I'm quite talented. Been there, done that." I chuckled and walked back up to the stage.
Suddenly, the teachers in charge of the drama club came into the big hall and sat down on the front seats.
"Alright! Time to rehearse your lines everybody!!! From the top!" Said one of them as she clapped her hands.

The students came rushing onto stage and I moved to the sidelines to hide myself. Simon hid on the sidelines across me.
"Hey Mol" Ellie whispered as she stepped towards me. She was wearing her full costume and makeup, she looked gorgeous.

"Hey El, looking hot!" I giggled lightly, she couldn't help but blush.
"Thanks cutie! If only boys could compliment me all the time like you do."

"You don't need em." I snapped back with a proud grin.
"Yeah maybe you're right...not very stoked to kiss Sean. His breath stinks!" She continued in a whisper.
Honestly I feel bad for her, Sean is the worst of the worst and the fact that she has to kiss him...eugh.
Wait-- it's even worse, I'm pretty sure they even dated at some point.

"Didn't you literally date the guy??" I thought out loud.
She just looked at me, puzzled.
"How did you know that..?" She asked as she scrunched up her face.
"Uhh...I dunno, I'm just very observant I guess. I also heard rumours like a while ago but I didn't think they were true...until now."

Ellie just shook her head.
"You pay way too much attention to my love life.."
I couldn't tell whether she was serious or not to so I forced out a laugh.
"Hah, yeah..I'm a bit of a stalker." I continued, slowly regretting my words. But it was fine since she didn't seem to be paying attention anyways.

I looked over at where she was facing and noticed Simon laughing away with her ex Dimitri.
The one that turned out to be gay.
The gay one.

okay I sound insane but hear me out, HEAR ME OUT!!
this is not good news because if Simon and Dimitri get too close and something happens between them it'll feel like I'm betraying Ellie because Simons my friend and then she'll hate me.
But at the same time that's hypocritical, just because they're both gay doesn't mean they'll immediately start dating...Simon likes Nick anyways!
But also if something DOES happen then I should be happy for him right...?
I'm thinking too much about this.

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