chapter 8 : A day with Nick pt2

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Once we left the arts and crafts store, he took the paper bag off my hands and put it in the car trunk.
"I'll be seeing you at school, it was nice talking to you." He smiled weakly, I just looked at him puzzled. It was only 4 in the afternoon?
"Oh um- I thought we were going to uh...are we not hanging out..?" I asked nervously.

There was a short pause, his ink black eyes gazing into mine.
"I suppose uh...yes we can hang out. But I have to leave at 7pm sharp, I've lessons this evening."
I simple nodded and the both of us waved to Matthew as he drove off.

"So, what would you like to do? Do you have any hobbies??" He asked me awkwardly, it was weirdly cute.

"I usually draw in my free time...but we can study if you'd like?"

"Draw? May I see some of your work??" He smiled, my heart jumped up in excitement. Someone's interested in my art! Yippee!!

I sat down on the nearest bench and took out my sketchbook. I skimmed through the pages as Nick sat down beside me. He leaned in closer to me, his chin brushing against my boney shoulders.
"You're really talented Simon." He smiled. I turned my head to face him but immediately regretted it as our faces almost touched.
My heart fluttered and my face flushed bright red.

I quickly looked back down at my sketchbook, hoping he wouldn't notice.


"How much for a portrait? I've only 100 on me right now but-" He beamed as he took out the money from his pocket.

"No-no, I don't need money. I-i can do it for free"

"Are you sure?? Your art is beautiful..I think some kind of reward is well deserved." He protested, hmmm tempting...but no, I'm not taking money from a cocky rich kid.

"Mhm! Now pose!!" I chuckled. He obediantly posed, placing one leg over the other and resting his chin on top of his hand.

"Is this okay?" He asked, nervously looking at me through the corner of his eye, scared to move.

"Pfftt, that'll do." I snickered. He's taking this so seriously, what an idiot.

I quickly sketched out the baselines and began adding the details.
I admired his strong, chiseled cheeks and his softly rounded lips as I continued on drawing.

I silently observed him, adding more details to his blushing hands.

He sat still like a statue the entire time, I forgot I was drawing a real person for a moment.
"You can look now." I smiled weakly, anxiously waiting for his reaction.
His eyes widened as he stared down at the page, his expression indescribable.

"Wow....that's truly amazing i- I look hot." His words catching me completely off gaurd.

"Pfftt- what? Alright" I scoffed, trying to process what just happened.

"Don't you agree?" He asked, trying to tease me.

"You're alright..I wouldn't say hot." I rolled my eyes playfully trying to provoke him but it didn't work.
Afterall, you can't provoke Nick.

"You definitely do." He smirked.
Aaannd were back to annoying cocky

"HA- In your dreams!" I protested, crossing my arms. My words not matching my expression. My face resembled a cherry. The audacity of this guy! Thinking he's all that..

"Why so red then?"
"Are you jealous that I'm just too perfect?" He continued, I could tell he was enjoying himself.

"Perfect huh..Can you draw? Yeah didn't think so smart guy!" I yelped before bonking him with my sketchbook.

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