chapter 18 : battles of change

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[Simons POV]

A week had passed and the exams were finally over. Although I tried my best and studied lots beforehand, I couldn't help but worry whether the exams I had done on Monday were any good.

I was too worried about the rumours. Speaking of which, ever since Nick and his 'girlfriend' Cecily started publicly dating, the rumours died down on his end. However on mine...not so much.

People still make comments and jokes either to my face or behind my back. But I don't really care, I'm used to comments like these.
Besides, some of them are kinda funny.
Last time someone called me a skittle? Pfft.

People are getting real creative nowadays.


It was finally Monday, the last week before Christmas holidays and I couldn't be more excited to get a break from all of this.

Joshua happened to be staying at my house over the weekend so we walked to school together and my sister came along.

"I'm so glad we've only a week left..I'm actually so tired." Joshua sighed as we we continued on walking together.

Lydia chuckled to herself.
"I've this Christmas party with my's gonna be so fun!! And you guys aren't coming along!" She rolled her eyes then looked at me, hinting towards the previous nightmare of a party.

"You know nan won't let you go anywhere without me right?" I scoffed, amused at her confidence. There was no way she'd be getting away with going to a party alone.

"That's why you won't tell her anything!" She smiled before hopping away into school. We slowly walked behind her until out of nowhere,  everyone huddled around the gate and a boy screamed "Hey everybody! It's Nick and his girlfriend!!" As if he were some celebrity.

He stepped out of Matthews black Jeep and opened the door for his girl-friend.
Everyone cheered for them and Nicks 'friends' made a few comments.

It was so clear that they 'dated' just for show yet everybody believed it. Usually she would wave, give Nick a hug and leave but this time she stayed a little bit longer than usual. 

"Nick your girl is so fit!" Darragh chuckled as she put on her pink fur coat.
She had blonde, unnatural curly hair.
I can't lie, she was quite beautiful.

"How did you guys meet? aren't you from a different school?" Asked another one of his friends.

Suddenly Cecily gave him a kiss on the cheek, yikes.
"We met at my mother's charity event, he introduced himself and complimented my moms work, then we got to chatting and...fell in love! And honestly- he's such a gentleman!" She bluffed, the both of them smirked at each other.
They looked so good together...

For some weird reason it upset me...maybe because they weren't actually dating and Nick is forced to pretend otherwise because of me.....or maybe I miss him. I mean we still call all the time but I haven't hung out with him in person for a long while now. I'm not sure which it is, but either way it left an unpleasant feeling.

"She's very pretty" Joshua blurted out of nowhere. I quickly turned my head to look at him and gave him a slap on the shoulder.
"Sorry- but it's true, How did he get with her?" He continued as he crossed his arms. 

"He didn't." I scoffed.

"It's all for show." I confessed, he raised his brows.

"What- is it because of the rumour???" He whispered, completely baffled by the news. I simply nodded to not raise any suspicion.

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