chapter 19 : Lets talk honesty

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I went to search for Molly when I found her sitting at the front gate of school all alone, she was doing something on her phone.

I took a deep breath before approaching was about to get messy.

"Whatya drawing?" I asked as I sat beside her on the wall.
Surprised to see me, she slightly jumped up as if I've just caught her with something.

"Just...myself" she mumbled as she looked down on her phone. Her voice quiet as a mouse.
I took a quick glance over at her phone before she got a chance to put it away.  It indeed was a drawing of herself except, she was wearing a suit in front of a lavish-looking restaurant.

Molly put her phone down and turned to look at me, she had dark circles under her eyes...they looked tired.

"Can we talk?" I asked softly, she nodded and took a deep breath in.
I gave her a moment before continuing.

"...why do you hate Nick so much?"

"I don't hate him...I envy him. He's so lucky and doesn't even realise it. I mean- he can literally get anything he wants if he just asks for it! But I have to work hard everyday and even then I'm not guaranteed the thing that I want.
She shook her head, her breath shallow.
"And the worst part is that he doesn't want any of it." Molly scoffed.

"I understand....but he has worked just as hard as everyone else..sure, he can be cocky at times but even then, that's no excuse to treat him like that. He's a person too yanno."
Molly went silent.

She nodded along but i could tell there was a strange tension between us. It's as if she was holding something back.

"What about that Cecily girl?" She asked.

"What about her??"

"Well- The picture...and then her...? You can't excuse that." She muttered. I sat in silence, wondering whether or not I should tell her. In the end, I decided if I wanted her back I'd need to let her in.

"Can I trust you?"

"Yeah..?" The flow of her voice was shaky and confused, she wasn't sure where this conversation was going. 

"Back at the party, Nick was a little bit tipsy so he took my hand, that's all. But someone took a picture and taken out of context...people make assumptions.
Obviously, Nick dealt with it by getting with Cecily- it's all for show though. They're not actually dating."

"And before you say anything, he's not against us. I told him and he's really supportive...interested really, sometimes he asks me about my experience and celebrity crushes heh- it's really nice." I chuckled lightly, my voice gentle and solemn. There was a subtle smile on Mollys face.

"So..everything is okay between you two?" She asked as she turned to me, something about the way she looked at me told me she desperately wanted it to be.

"Yeah...he's a really great guy, you should give him a chance."

The both of us gave each other a smile before a thought came back to me, I added to the conversation. 
"Did you know Nick thought we were together?" I giggled, Molly sniggered in disbelief.

"What- Has he seen me?? Or you?? We're a whole fruit store!" The both of us laughed until another thought flashed by, it was our conversation at the party. I wasn't going to let the same mistake happen twice.

"How are you feeling?" I asked softly as the sun shine fell down on us.

"I'm alright...well, trying to be." She cleared her throat.
"There's this girl I've been avoiding since the party...because she kissed me. But she was drunk and her boyfriend had just broken up with her so um...yeah! That's my life I guess." She chuckled to herself awkwardly, she seemed ashamed of herself.
I wrapped myself around her, giving her a hug from the side.
"I'm sorry you couldn't come to me with this."

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